58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 580743 - Text: At least she had a good family life because that can truly cause a lot of sex workers have bad family history from being raped or molested, so her having a good try hard family is great!!

id: 580749 - Text: Not to be sexist or petty but I really appreciate a woman who crosses her legs while speaking to someone or just while sitting down. There’s something about her body language & speech that I can’t quite put my finger on. Really makes you appreciate your own life and upbringing.

id: 580847 - Text: Animals are also not a commodity. And there's nothing wrong with sex work as long as it's done without pressure and danger.

id: 580849 - Text:  @ninasherbet1190  I know. I am not talking about sex work including pimps.

id: 580853 - Text: 7:16 that right there is a subtle yet important character flaw. He wasn't immeadiately and properly measured by Rachel as a possible threat. That inabilty to foresee him as being possibly threatening at anytime until it was too late should be a very frequent occurance in her life. He measured her firstly, and found her weakpoint(s) - insecure feelings about death, and sexual perversion.

id: 580858 - Text: Dam she's so sexy and the way she's smokes a cigarette. Would marry her 😍

id: 580862 - Text: Girls that give sex up for free aren’t having sex 20 times a day with 25 different men.

id: 580901 - Text: Good she had all the best upbringing she could have. Come on girl you can make something of your upbringing be proud of yourself again.A man that loves you would never have you work the streets,he would scrub McDonalds on first shift & hang up clothes with you at Kohl’s 2nd shift. Love means he sacrifices for you more the best he can, before that you live with mom & work full time give your body & mind to heal from sex work & drugs. When he has enough for an engagement ring, you well have saved enough to get a place. When you get married you can both work full time & keep going ,building up. If at sometime you intend to have a child you all have kept your ties up with all the mothers involved because grandmas love to see the grands & may be the only safe play for your child to be baby sat. If a man want you to cut all ties he may be a narcissist psychopath if so when you need to leave never let him or any trusted friend know before hand get a taxi straight to the police station & have someone from there call an emergency pick from the domestic abuse center. Taking your phone, screaming your face , keeping your money from you without you permission is abuse. Abuse is not only putting hand on you with permission. Blessed be 🙏🏼🌹

id: 580932 - Text: One thing I have always noticed about women(been gathering data on them 40+years now) they overlook any flaw, mistake, violent or sexual act, etc when it comes to other women. When Cardi B. came out and admitted she drugged, robbed men, and let transgenders have they way with the victims to keep them from telling on her I have yet to hear one woman condemn or criticize her but they gave Bill Cosby all kinds of hell from accusations. Women stick together like a union like Travis said in the movie Taxi Driver. I’m not here to judge this lady but I understand your comment. @ Steve B

id: 580935 - Text: ​ @steveb3303  most everyone is selling labor of some type to a wealthier person or entity to survive. She's a highly intelligent 🧠 mind... There are quite a few SWU sex workers who are. They end up utilizing drugs to numb out or hype themselves up. Lots of performers do this. Ultimately, these are performing 🎭 an act or acts for pay.
