58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 580973 - Text: Yes, it definitely humanizes some of the people we would otherwise just look at as what they are instead of who they are such as "sex offender" or "heroin addict".

id: 580980 - Text:  @aliehawhite8616  well Sex offender doesn't get no pass not sure why you used that unless you condone that shit.

id: 581345 - Text: I cant speak for her, but my story is similar. I was raised in an amazing family and had amazing opportunities as a child. My parents love me more than anything and theyve fought for me every second of the way. I was going to college and playing college soccer but always seemed to fall in with the wrong crowd. I got addicted to drugs and even dabbled in sex work and it absolutely destroyed me. I was in a really violent domestic relationship too that really took a toll. But I am sober now for over a year and I can honestly say it wouldve been so much harder coming back without the support of my family. But it just goes to show it can happen to anyone. You dont have to come from a broken home to live a broken life with addiction and violence. Just sharing my story to shed a little light :)

id: 581564 - Text: I like her, I kinda knew she hated men or used to before she said it, but I mean look what she’s been through and tbh a lot of people carry animosity towards the opposite sex but won’t admit it. Something definitely was trying to destroy her love and I love that she’s overcoming it and still loving ❤ much love sista

id: 581579 - Text: One common theme with most of these sad stories that being told by prostitutes and ex prostitutes, is that the majority of them experienced sexual abuse at a young age. Just sad!

id: 581647 - Text: She has lost her soul. She is a violent killer. Her mental illness was born at birth because she is the product of her parents. And now she has sold her daughter to her nephew who is probably waiting for her to be incarcerated before he takes full sexual control of her daughter. She needs to be in prison or utilized by the mafia. I hope CPS will care about her child's welfare, because she really doesn't need a child

id: 581717 - Text: Many women are in prison because of sexual abuse & the anger that comes as a result of that abuse.😪😰 If only the courts and justice system would look deeper.

id: 581742 - Text: F**k this. This is GD unreal. If Mark has shown me anything from his interviews; he’s made it hyper apparent just how many tragic people are trying to survive in this life. He has shown us , without question, that sexual violence, rape, encest is more than alive and well. He has brought to light the most hideous people who exploit the nost heinous acts, are not a product of the past. It’s disturbing and draining and makes me want to help every one of them. If only I could. On the flip side, Mark has shown that humanity and kindness exists in the most unassuming places. There is still hope for those that want to believe in the goodness of people. Sadly, negative attracts negative and generations of abuse breeds generations of abuse. It’s just the way it goes. You learn from a young age and unless you can see beyond the strain and recognize the cycle of abuse and oppression, will you have an inkling of a chance to interrupt this age old cycle.

id: 581838 - Text: (1 of 2) What Is the Purpose of Parent(s)? Guidance. What Is the Distinction of Maternity, Paternity, and Parents? Rights. Maternity is a Right: Paternity Is a Privilege, that Is most Respectable By Judicial Identification, Responsiveness, and/or Judicial-Binding Marriage: Probate Guardian-Ship Is Judicially Lawful Child Care, Not Parenting, and Requires Parental Consent and Parental Inclusion, Towards Parental Authority, of Parental Guidance. "Woman-Hood" Includes the Perspective of Maternity, When "Woman-Hood" Includes the Perspective of Maternity, But, "Woman-Hood" Always Requires the Distinction of Its Existence from the Existence of Maternity. The Requirement Is Never the Same of "Man-Hood", and any Distinguishment, As Paternity. Probate Guardian-Ship Is Not a Parent Plan, and the Requirement of a Parent Is Guide and/or Authority of Specific Guidance: The United States' America, the United States' Constitution, Its Respective Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights Amendments, and Laws, By Its Respective Statutes, Tortes and Penal Codes, Is/Are Not Parent(s), and Never Can or Will Re-Place or Exist In-Lieu of Maternity, As Parent, any Mutual Consent of Paternity, and/or any Paternity, As Parent, or any Specificity, As Explained, of Parental Authority. A Probate Guardian Has the Lawful Duty of Child Care Provider, By Parental and/or Judicial Authority, As Mutual Consent: "When used in reference to a judge’s ruling in a court case, arbitrary means based on individual discretion rather than a fair application of the law.": When Men only Assist Men, It Is Beyond Their Affects Towards Their Maternity: The First "Type" of "Woman-Hood" They Know, But, Is Effective By Male Privilege [A Perspective of Consent] of any "Woman-Hood's" Influence of each Male's "Man-Hood", of How to Contribute to the Nature, Nurture, and Laws of Females. Existence is Enough, to Intimidate to the Point of Un-Avoidable Conflict: "Appeasement, in an international context, is a diplomatic policy of making political, material, or territorial concessions to an aggressive power to avoid conflict." White Supremacy Appears As Excellence. However, a Distinction Exists of Race, and Gender Identity: Race Initiates As Species, and Gender Identity Initiates As Kingdom and Classification of Species: Taxonomy: Specificity, As Objectification, of "Blackness" Exists As "Darker", But, Is Un-Necessary. Novus Ordo Seclurom [New Secular Order]. The Requirement of Necessity is Force: "Secularity, also the secular or secularness, is the state of being unrelated or neutral in regards to religion. Origins of secularity can be traced to the Bible itself and fleshed out through Christian history into the modern era. In the medieval period there were even secular clergy.": "One can regard eating and bathing as examples of secular activities, because there may not be anything inherently religious about them. Nevertheless, some religious traditions see both eating and bathing as sacraments, therefore making them religious activities within those world views." What many Males Refuse to Admit, Is that Child Development, of Males, Usually, Excludes any Requirement of Physical Limitations or Sabotage, Beyond Hygienic Nutrition: They Can Develop, and Evolve Beautifully: Pain Is an In-Convenience, But, Sedation Doesn't Heal Wounds: It Is Necessary to Maintain any Semblance of Pre-Cautionary Cognizance to Prevent any Un-Necessary and Un-Desirous Evolution of Injury. Males Force Female Un-Trust-Worthiness: the Concept of "Cut-Throat". What Is Trans-Genderism? Perceptions of Brothel Entertainment: Art. And, Fun [The Concept of Freedom]. Of Colonies, "Queens" and Nymphs: Both Distinctive of "Woman-Hood". "Woman-Hood" is Principle-Based, every Thing Else Is Role-Based. A Distinction Exists of Competence and Competition. "Trans-Genderism", Also As Eunuchs, Is Pseudo-Female. What Is the Distinction of "Trans-Gender" Women and Biologic Women, Other than Genitals? Reputation [The Concept of Expectation]: Beyond a Man's Maternity, and Extended Female Family Members, Exactly As Male Platonic Friend-Ships, Additional Friend-Ships Are Actually Un-Necessary: the Purpose of "Female Companion-Ship" Is Gratification of Male Expression of His Sexuality, and/or His Personal Sexual Competence: Rape Is Possible Between Males, But, Not With-Out Stipulation of Apprehension: a Perspective Distinctive of All Hetero-Sexual Possibility of Coitus. It Is Absolutely Comprehensive that Anal Penetration, of Females, Can Be Perceptive and Conceptive As Sodomy. Artifice: "clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others, early 16th century (in the sense ‘workmanship’): from Anglo-Norman French, from Latin artificium, based on ars, art- ‘art’ + facere ‘make’. Late Middle English has the form artificie, directly from Latin: Artificial: "made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural, (of a situation or concept) not existing naturally; contrived or false, (of a person or their behavior) insincere or affected, [BRIDGE] (of a bid) conventional as opposed to natural, late Middle English: from Old French artificiel or Latin artificialis, from artificium ‘handicraft’ (see artifice).": Artificiality: "the quality of being made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, the quality of being contrived or false, insincerity or affectedness."... Respectively. Tanika Nakeya Lewis, 6127

id: 581841 - Text: ...(2 of 2) Investment Is Sponsor-Ship, Inclusive of Reciprocal Benefit: Vestment Is Sponsor-Ship, By only Necessity of Bestowment: the Concept of Old Is Deficiency: Sexuality, In and Of It-Self, Is Never Deficient. The United States' Department of Treasury Is the only Actual Owner of Currency, and the only Purpose of Currency/Money, Is Circulation, By Gift-Giving and Purchases. To Not Eat In my Face, Simply Is to Not Have Libido to Share Food: "In psychology, libido is psychic drive or energy, usually conceived as sexual in nature, but sometimes conceived as including other forms of desire. The term libido was originally used by the neurologist and pioneering psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud who began by employing it simply to denote sexual desire. Exactly As, Surely, Females Know Female Hygiene Is Necessary, and All that Female Hygiene Encompasses: to Not Provide Economic Hygiene Is to Not Have Libido to Share Economics: Economics Is Currency/Money, Shelter, Food, Etc. When the Distinction of "Man-Hood" and "Woman-Hood" Is At Its most Basic, It Is Exclusive of Children, only Because Children Aren't Their [Own] Personal Response Requirement and/or Ability, Dependent of the Child's Age, although, "Man-Hood" and "Woman-Hood" Are Inclusive of the Concept and Purpose of Child Development, Growth and Maturation: What Is the Basic Distinction of "Man-Hood" and "Woman-Hood"? Female Menstrual Hygiene Essential Products. Menstrual Cycles Are Essential to "Woman-Hood", By Sexual Health, and Sexual Health Initiates By Gender Identity: Before "Woman-Hood" Is Femaleness. All that Is Requisite of Femaleness is Biologic Vagina: the Concept of Sexuality Initiates By Gender Identity and Genitals: It Is Not Predatory to Discuss Personal Sexuality and Appropriateness, Inclusive of Hygiene, With Children. It Is a Human Right to Maintain Sustainability of Personal Hygiene, As It Pertains to Gender-Specificity, Inclusive By every Availability of Nutrition. It is a Principle Law that If a Maternity Can Not Care Towards Her Self, She Definitely Can Not Care Towards Either of Her Children: As a Personal Standard, a Maternity's Children Definitely Should Not Still Be Her Under Adult Age Children, and Appear As If She Cares Better Towards Them than She Cares About Her Self. The Concept Resembles Social Projection, of Personal Expression, By In-Visibility, through an In-Advertent Means: Child Eats, so Child's Mommy Definitely Eats. And, the Communication, As a Truth, Definitely Is False. Inclusive of "Man-Hood", Submission to "Woman-Hood" Occurs: At some Point, "Man-Hood" Socio-Economically Evolves, and "Trans-Genderism", As an Inclusion of the Appearance of Hetero-Sexuality, Requires the Submission to the Sophistication of "Woman-Hood", that Also Requires Full Conference With "Woman-Hood", As Assimilation. Other-Wise, All that Is, Is Alpha-Beta Male Comprehension and Inter-Actions. "Woman-Hood", of Biologic Females, Evolves from Birth. Males Are most Comfortable With Poverty, from Various Perspectives of the Concept: Racial Bias and/or Bigotry, Sickness, Etc., Inclusive of In-Sanity, Perceive the World As One Big Opportunity, so Paraphilia Is Second Nature, Especially, As Homo-Sexuals and "Cross-Dressers"/"Trans-Genders" [As Disguises]: They Have Worth in Objectifying, Especially, to only Benefit By Females and Feminine Acts, Activities and Conduct. Some only Have a Semblance of Perception of Security Amongst "Woman-Hood" Situations: many Males Have the "I Don't Need You", and the "I'm More Woman than You" Perspectives, Especially, When Their Perspective Is "All Women Are the Same", Whether Explicitly Expressed or Not. The Spirit of Laws Is Distinctive of Letter of Laws, By Enforcement of Intent of Administration of each Law, Comparable By Language Articulation of the Law, that Encompasses Notification of each Law: the Spirit of Laws Adheres to Philosophy: Fundamental Truths that Evolves Wisdom and Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights: "The letter of the law and the spirit of the law are two possible ways to regard rules, or laws. To obey the letter of the law is to follow the literal reading of the words of the law, whereas following the spirit of the law is to follow the intention of why the law was enforced." Philosophy Is a Systematic Study of Fundamental Truths: the Fundamental Truths Evolves Wisdom and Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights. The Spirit of Laws Is Distinctive of Letter of Laws, By Enforcement of Intent of Administration of each Law, Comparable By Language Articulation of the Law, that Encompasses Notification of each Law: the Spirit of Laws Adheres to Philosophy: Fundamental Truths that Evolves Wisdom and Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights: "The letter of the law and the spirit of the law are two possible ways to regard rules, or laws. To obey the letter of the law is to follow the literal reading of the words of the law, whereas following the spirit of the law is to follow the intention of why the law was enforced." The Purpose of Philosophy: Wisdom. Equality Is the Concept of Accuracy, Inclusive By Correction, and Equity Is the only Right Necessary of Justice. Remember Scientology: Dianetics Translates As "Mentally/Mentality", But, Literally, "By the Mind": Psychopathy. All of Sigmund Freud's Theories Are very Primal/Primitive, and Never Exceed Beyond the Basics of Sensual Identification: Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste and Auditory Perceptions Inclusive of every Perspective of Cognizance of Personal Surroundings, Usually, that initiates First, With "Self"/Personal Perceptions: Inclusive of Imposition, Infringement, and Infiltration of Other Individuals. Many Individuals "Stuck" At the Dr. Sigmund Freud Perspective of Knowledge Are Paraphiles, Gluttonous, and Overly Obsessive With Hygiene, Either, As Compulsory or Apathy. Also Often-Times, "Trans-Genderism", and "Cross-Dressism" Exists Electronically, Digitally, and Tele-Communicatively, to Further Disguise and Benefit, Rarely, If Ever, to Sponsor. What Is the Distinction of "Trans-Gender" Women and Biologic Women, Other than Genitals? Reputation [The Concept of Expectation]: Beyond a Man's Maternity, and Extended Female Family Members, Exactly As Male Platonic Friend-Ships, Additional Friend-Ships Are Actually Un-Necessary: the Purpose of "Female Companion-Ship" Is Gratification of Male Expression, of His Sexuality, and/or His Personal Sexual Competence: Rape Is Possible Between Males, But, Not Exclusive of Stipulation of Apprehension: a Perspective Distinctive of All Hetero-Sexual Possibility of Coitus. It Is Absolutely Comprehensive that Anal Penetration, of Females, Can Be Perceptive, and Conceptive, As Sodomy. Masculinity Is to Males, As Femininity Is to Females, No Matter the Perspectives of Intensity: Masculinity & Femininity Are Personality Traits: Masculinity Is Perceptive As Dominance, and Femininity Is Perceptive As Sub-Missive: Sub-Mission Is Acknowledgment, As Respect, of any Thing, Especially By Adherence. What Is Gender Dysphoria? Gender Dis-Contentment. Why? Because of Self-Realization, and Associative Personal Expressions of Self, Towards the Purpose of other Selves, Realizing the Expressive Self, to Personally Benefit: a Nature of Survival, Especially, As "Survival of the Fittest". Exclusive of Any, or All, Personal Affirmations, By Personal Accomplishments, Inclusive of Failure At Fraud(s). Communication, By Males, or the Other Gender, About Sexual Desire, By Public Displays of Affection, Is Always Perceptive As the Ideal Perception of Physical Beauty. What Is Sexual Harassment? Beratement, Inclusive of Perspectives of Expression, Articulation and/or Communication, of Sexual Desire: "Sexual harassment is a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome and inappropriate promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment can either be physical or verbal, maybe even both." What Sexual Harassment Is Not, Is Personal Expressions of Sexual Desire, Exclusive of Rejection [Denial Is only of Rights]. My Rationale of Sexual Harassment, As Exclusive of Rejection, to Clarify, Is Sexual Rape, or any other Perspectives of Sexual Mis-Conduct, Is Not About Sexual Desire, or Lack of Impulse Control: it Is Explicitly About Predatory Intent, Goal and Purpose, of Absolute Control: a Type of Defilement. What is Realized During this Era of my Semi-Chronic Home-Lessness, Un-Employment, and Approximate Ten Year Time Period of Zero Verifiable Income, Is that If I Self-Realizably Express my Self, Conducive to Not my Environment, Especially, As Home-Less, Residing Out-Doors, and With-Out any Currency/Monetary Resourcefulness, But, to my Personal Socio-Economic Circumstance, I Am Publicly, and Casually, Perceptive As a Hoe, Regardless, Inclusive from the Perspective of Greed. My Comprehension Is only As Comprehensive As any Comprehensive Individuals: Home-Less Shelter Availability and Acceptance, Is Not a Guarantee, and Is Gender-Specific, Until Separation of Male Children Occurs, At the Age of Seventeen Years, of every Male Child, of every Maternity, of the Female Sector, of every Home-Less Shelter: Maternity is a Right: Paternity is a Privilege. 😶. Respectively. Tanika Nakeya Lewis, 6127
