31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 605995 - Text: Okay so the interviewer is making money off this video of HER story. Is he giving her a cut? He’s like a pimp only not exploiting her sexually or being physically violent.

id: 606005 - Text: Based on what he has said in the past (he has done a few videos on this), he reinvests more than he makes from this channel into the community. He does give info on some resources he supports and he hasn’t been secretive about it so I’m sure you could dig up some info on it if you care to take the time. I know he generally pays them a small amount ($50 I think) to get them in the door. His goal seems to be raising awareness and, for those who want help and seem ready for a change, helping them get the help they need. I do know that this isn’t his “job”, he’s a professional photographer, a good one, so he doesn’t need the income from this channel. Whether or not he reinvests as much as he says, I can’t say for sure. If you look into it I would be interested to know what you find.

id: 606006 - Text: He gives money to all of them. People use him, begging for an interview and squeezing him for every dollar. Maybe watch more than one video before making such foolish ignorant comments.

id: 606007 - Text:  @kimmiely2546  it’s particularly interesting that this person chose to comment on this particular video. Mark made two more videos on this woman and, guess what? Turns out that she and her Crip “boyfriend” actually scammed the shit out of him (and donators) for thousands of dollars.

id: 606009 - Text:  @jackiep4834  have the video?

id: 606033 - Text: This should be required viewing for every father who has a daughter. Imagine ending up not being around for your daughter then seeing a video like this with her in it years later. If that doesn’t haunt you into being the best dad possible then you don’t deserve to be a father.

id: 606090 - Text: Her Aura is beautiful here,,,in the recent video her vibe hella different

id: 606126 - Text: I don’t understand how people watch these videos and not understand that these people are the defects of late stage capitalism.

id: 606135 - Text: Most of the comments on the videos featuring a woman, are posted by typical westerners who believe every word that comes out of a woman’s mouth. They may seem nice when they are being filmed, but I can almost guarantee most of them are very loud, aggressive and manipulative in real life. Our culture is way too naive when it comes to a certain gender’s true motivations.

id: 606152 - Text: This woman is so articulate and compassionate. I wish that this video will lead to her being found by some one who can truly help her reach her full potential. She deserves a better chance in life then she got..
