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id: 581953 - Text: This incredibly beautiful woman is what keeps me here. Not the incessant ramblings of Rebecca. This woman who has endured more before she turned 13 than most people ever endure in a lifetime. Her parents need to be put in front of a firing squad, only after they’ve been fucked with broom handle with nails in it. As a sexual abuse survivor, my own father, I feel some of her pain. My father died a horrific death and I had the great pleasure of actually seeing it. I do not feel a tiny bit bad for saying these things. People like my father and her parents don’t deserve anything but pain!!! I wish her well and I hope one day she can pull out of the darkness. She’s smart and beautiful and has the potential to be so much more!!!!

id: 581956 - Text: First…she is a beautiful woman! While I have never walked the streets our stories are so similar. It freaked me out hearing her talk about her incest and rape because I was from the age of 6 to 13. I lost my virginity at 8 to my mother’s brother and she knew it was happening. The hurt and hate you carry will turn you to stone. Men are not good in your mind. I decided at 13 that a man would never control me nor would anyone else. I became to strong, to closed that while I made a good life, very good at my craft whatever it was and very successful…I never let love in my life. I love how she learned to forgive so she had love for her daughter. My whole world was my daughter but I couldn’t give that one part of me she needed and now we are estranged, I may never see her again. What people seem to fail to understand is is molesting a child destroys the adult they become. We grieve for what was taken from us, never having the same experiences others do for their first sexual experience, we feel dirty, we never smell or feel clean. We never let people hug us because they will know we are different. And like she said still being here is a miracle in itself. She is so intelligent, kind, accepts her fate, owns her battles never blaming anyone. Forgiving is hard and she does…she deserves better. Maybe she will get better! Her daughter is so lucky to have someone who loves so hard unconditionally! Christyann you got this! Your special!

id: 582027 - Text: I hope her dad and his friends are BURNING in hell! Like WTF. Idc how drunk or high I get I will never look at a child and think of them as a sexual being. The world is truly evil.

id: 582216 - Text: Sexual abuse seems to run rampant in this country, and it seems to start in the home, the pain some children must go through, her story could have been so much different.

id: 582236 - Text: Sexual abuse seems to run rampant all over the world, sadly.

id: 582238 - Text:  @Hi-bl8rm  I agree that this channel presents a lot of people who have been sexual abuse, but it still is devastating that it is happening.

id: 582295 - Text: It is horrible and we have a lot to be thankful for. Let me tell you, it's not just men doing it like it was back in the day. Women are sexually abusing children now(I'm sure there was some, but minimal). I had a friend who's child was abused by her grandfather's 2nd wife. Her step grandmother covered her with a blanket and penetrated her with her fingers! I feel disgusted just typing this out, but people need to know this. It's so sad because children are special and adults should hold them close to their hearts and take care of them, you know? All I can say is all types struggle with lust. You can't even watch a show on TV without some sort of sex scene. Porn is so easy to access and we know why men watch it, but it starts with girls so they can see what to do. They want to be wanted. Likely dealing with rejection. Like we all are for the most part. It's sad what this world has become. We have to be overcomers. I truly pray this precious lady realizes how much God loves hers(yes, I'm a believer) and I love her with the love of the Lord (as we all should) and he heals and will heal her brokeness completely. I know because he healed my brokeness. God bless you guys

id: 582299 - Text: I don't know if this is supposed to be humour. I'm not good with humour, irony and things like that. I also have a tendency to speak before I think. That may be your problem, too. Seriously this comment is inappropriate. On so many levels. First of all, Mark is no stylist. And he's not in charge of or responsible for what these people wear. Second, I don't know if you are aware of what this channel is about. The majority of the guest are people with mental health issues and addiction. Very many female guests are sex workers and are dressed for work. If it bothers you that much, just listen to the interview instead of watching. Or try another channel. This ain't the channel for the sensitive thin skinned people.

id: 582306 - Text: I have a friend who is Psychologist. She said to me that, according to her experience, the number of people who were sexually molested before the age of 10 is astonishing. She believes that those people make a significant percentage of population.

id: 582322 - Text: My therapist says 70% of her clients were sexually abused as children. She doesn't even say that this is her specialty on her referral page, it's that so many other issues like depression and anxiety come about because of the abuse we experience as children.
