58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 582323 - Text:  @jonasalderson6064  One in four girls are sexually assaulted before they turn 18, percentage of sexually assaulted men isn't much lower.

id: 582333 - Text:  @codirennke1109  CSA can also be Central security agency made to control the population in many ways, another damaging thing is Controlled substance act, Chief of staff of the Army might not have the best intentions, there are several others. Sexual abuse won't go away if we don't do something about the root cause of the problem; elites running the country, not citizens with help of government.. Your reply opens some very hard questions to even think about or answer, let alone act upon (my English isn't that good). As a part of upcoming album, Peter Gabriel made organization Panopticom dealing with the problems we are writing about. You might read Wikipedia article about it while listening to his song i chose for you; Love Can Heal Enjoy 🧡

id: 582334 - Text: Worst is, kids should not know about sex. You KNOW you are different. Foul.

id: 582353 - Text: This guy oozes slimy. You can't cover it up. Probably gives most people the creeps. I wonder if he has listened to any of the sex workers stories. So much pain in their pasts. And most say they think the johns are gross. Johns pay for fakeness. No matter how much dough they cough up.

id: 582356 - Text: Gotta love how people make excuses for bad behavior. He sugarcoats his justification being with a sex worker, not going into the details about how he is potentially bringing home lifetime diseases to his faithful wife and kids. 😮😮😮

id: 582366 - Text: Hebrews 13:4 "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

id: 582375 - Text: "You get what you pay for"... That's one of the big problems with sex work, adult entertainment, and porn. In the end, it is the whites who get to enjoy their privilege. I don't have a problem with any of that. The issue is that there are two systems of justice and punishment here. While upscale sex work and porn for whites are protected and even "constitutional", we have a multimillion criminal justice racket that starts with existing solicitation of prostitution, lewd acts, and prostitution laws aimed at the poor, middle class males, and poor sexworkers. The pigs at the State and Federal levels spend millions of taxpayer's money chasing street hookers and their customers from corner to corner and city to city. And millions of traffic citations, arrests, defense lawyers, conviction costs, and the so called "sex offender treatment" schools are imposed on the poorest women and men. The costs are staggering both financially and socially where by the money of working men and street/hotel sex workers get "redistributed" among the crocks in government and the adjunct profiteers. In short prostitution and other types of sex work and "entertainment" are a byproduct of capitalism which generates billions of dollars in profits. I insist that I don't have a problem with that either, what's disgusting and wrong is the hypocrisy of the politicians and law enforcement pigs who also take a cut from the pussy pie. The answers to ameliorate the harm and costs of street sex work, even eradicate the worse types of crimes and dysfunction, are rather simple. But it would take balls of steel and a straight spine for people in power and the courts and pigs to give up their juicy slice of ass money. Address the inequalities and injustices of and against all women; educate young students about emotional relationships sex, and intimacy; get all fucking religions out of government; provide all women with a free college education, access to jobs, equal pay, and subsidized/affordable housing; and normalize consenting adult sex including any financial or profit transactions from sex work first. "Hoecialism" you say! I call it being grown ups and responsible Americans going about their pursuit of happiness and rights to the privacy of their person, bodies, and property. It's time to "Free da'titty"! Legalize adult consenting sex work!

id: 582391 - Text: I listened to him a few times, and I still don't know what his stand on safe sex is. Don't know if he practices it, or not. What he was saying about it did not make sense to me.

id: 582398 - Text: The wife and children are victims of sex addicts and their multiple prostitutes. Would like to see how wives view prostitutes and tricks? That would be a complete truth to these interviews. There is a part missing to these stories, another form of destruction. The betrayal trauma pain that these people cause is unlivable.

id: 582409 - Text: 17:20 "washout" -- he uses vague words that are meaningless to cover the real facts. He doesn't want to say if they had sex or if he paid her, straight out. He seems to fight with the English language as he goes along, rather than think ahead.
