58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 582411 - Text: Paying 1200$ for sex…. That money could be going to his kids

id: 582423 - Text: so what isn't being talked about is meth and how it flips off the risk manegment switch in a persons brain. Add to that sexual compulsion high you get from an orgasm then add to that the ease of money for sex and you have a problem...

id: 582433 - Text: Clearly lying about safe sex encounters with escorts. Interesting interview.

id: 582442 - Text: oh god, im so glad this isn't a lifestyle i'm apart of. As a spiritual person I see this fixation on sex and sexuality to be destructive to our happiness. We can enjoy sex, but it shouldn't be a main focus in our lives. A lot of the tricks you interview express that men have an insatiable sexual appetite, but they're wrong. These specific guys do. Because they're wounded. And sex makes them feel good. I've known plenty of men who had less of a sexual appetite than me. If someone cheated on me or needed to go out and fuck prostitutes, I would feel bad for them. I would see them as a weak, suffering individual. If you cannot control your urges or your habits or your addictions, I won't be attracted to you. I'm attracted to strength and people with strong morals. Honest people. The Jocko Willinks of the world.

id: 582444 - Text: Sex addiction is definitely trauma based. He lost his marriage and kids because of it. It affects your financial stability....the list goes on. So sad. He would have better spent that money with a sex addiction therapist

id: 582451 - Text: A lot of these interviewees come from unimaginable levels of abuse, neglect and tragedy. The stories are heartbreaking and help you to understand why they are in the situations they are in, especially after being beat down by their life experiences. It is very easy to cast judgement on people that haven't made good decisions and have found themselves in the pits of addiction or depression. As an outsider, we don't know the story that got them to where they are now. Once you hear an honest conversation with them, you begin to understand how they have been dismantled piece by piece throughout their lives and how their life is a struggle with abuse and survival. I talk with some people in similar situations and have found the same theme running through all of their stories; abuse. Whether it is drug, emotional, psychological, physical or sexual, abuse is the most common cause. The next and often overlapping cause is personal tragedy and lack of a support system.

id: 582471 - Text: He is fortunate that his wildest story is a sex worker who jacked up her price and some others running up a hotel bill. He could have been beaten, maimed, robbed over that dispute. Seems too mild mannered to handle a rough situation. Maybe he'll get it together some day.

id: 582479 - Text: I grew up with a father just like this man. It leaves damage. I always wondered why my father didn’t see me as someone to protect and shelter from knowing about all of his sex industry stuff. He had no shame about it and called everyone else judgmental. He died after being down and out for several years. He never cared about anyone but himself and had no real relationships in his life.

id: 582488 - Text: If a man is married to a woman and she is not into having sex anymore. Lets say they are 55+ and have been married for 30 years. Is it wrong for him to look for sex elswhere? Should he divorse her? He still loves her....

id: 582492 - Text: In regards to his comments about safe sex, it's amazing to me people are naive to the fact that any type of sex is risky unless you are abstaining from it. You can still catch permanent diseases using a condom. Not just HIV, a condom will not stop STD's like herpes, HPV and genital warts, moscollum, etc. You only need secretions, moscollum, etc. to come into contact with skin..
