31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 607631 - Text: At the end of the video, did you? You know...

id: 607708 - Text: Maybe it's in the comments already but I have a couple of thoughts here that I am not seeing. First, my heart, love, and acknowledgement goes this girl and everyone seeing this. If we are seeing this video, it means she is reflecting a part of us, an aspect of sending love to each of us too. So, pain attracts pain, she is telling these horror stories of treatment and all of these pimps and customers, demonstrating these mens' behavior (abhorrent) and THEIR pain that they would be this horrible to others. Demonstrates how separated in society we are that we can't see the pain we cause in others and feel that somehow by inflicting pain, we will heal our own pain. Doesn't work that way. This is a systemic problem. My other thought, she said it and he said it where there are "nicer" pimps or ones trying to help the girls...which is cool, love that...where are the REAL madams? Where are the women making this better? Of course, trying to work within a legal system that has opposing agendas makes it bananas, but I hate that women have internalized men's attitudes where we then are catty and bitchy to each other where we don't help one another and it's competition. People...we need to better for ourselves and one another. Systemic issue which affects us all and we are all contributing and a part of the problem or helping. Helping means you are working on yourself to evolve and supporting those that wish to be, expand. This isn't a HER issue...this is an US issue. I wish to remind all of us to be the God Within. All your biggest ideas, hopes, and love...create it. Forgive yourself and give yourself compassion so you have it for others. Learn what it means to love yourself so we can be there to raise children that know how to love themselves so we can stop this nonsense. Do better!!

id: 607798 - Text: They are sick, they live in a sick society and this is the fall out of this. I'm not condoning their actions but they are not demons, they are sick people. But with that said aren't there different kinds of pimps, prostitution is the oldest job on earth, can there ever be prostitutes that prostitute in a healthy way? Is it even possible? I have no idea. I just know that there are very lonely guys or even guys that have disabilities and I have seen girls say that they love bring them joy. Now I don't know if they are trying to fool us but some women do speak highly of the trade. I don't know. It's so complicated isn't it? Of course I see this girl in this video was abused.

id: 607895 - Text: One thing about watching a number of these videos (like the excellent interview with "Psycho") is that it really helps put in perspective what a "bad day" can be. Like, I've legitimately felt like killing myself over stuff that is just absolutely nothing compared to what people like this woman, and others, go through on a daily or weekly basis. I had a pretty good upbringing - my mom loved me, and I had family that loved me. I got encouragement and support. I was able to go to college and pursue things I wanted. I never got addicted to drugs. Looking at people like this, it's obvious that a lot of people never have a fair chance. And the stuff they deal with is just insane compared to a bad day a relatively normal person goes through. Like... getting raped and having all your money stolen... then going to your pimp and having the pimp send you back out on the streets just to re-make the money that was stolen from you. That's insane. I definitely feel for a lot of these folks (Exotic included). I hope this woman can get a grip on her situation in spite of all the tremendous disadvantages she has had. But if nothing else, watching this helps me appreciate the relative normalcy of my life, and the numerous advantages that a relatively normal person has (self included). I'm grateful that I haven't had the same hardships as this woman, and many other folks interviewed on this channel.

id: 607989 - Text: You're probably the pimp. You put that same comment under all their videos wtf

id: 608034 - Text: I know…. This video just made me so heartbroken…..

id: 608055 - Text: Meth is horrible, but if this was my daughter I would straight up kill every pimp who left a mark on her... Don't even care about the consequences. You feel helpless just watching this video... 😞

id: 608067 - Text: Β @BigZ69Β  so going back to your suicidal comments. So are you 9n psych medication and do you have a treatment plan that works for you and your psychiatrist because it doesn't look like that's working out for you if your making public comments about your behavior and death. I could have our 911 dispatch call you if you feel safe someone doing that? Or I could come by for a welfare check? You let me know we don't want you killing yourself. Please think about your mother and father before you think about taking your life. Think about the other people who will be effectively destroyed by your actions. Lots to live for young man I'm just shocked that you would say that when you haven't grown old enough to understand anything. Your still a child what can you possibly think you understand about life at your age. Nothing yet. Only what your told by the media and your teachers. Give yourself 40 years and then look back. Your responsibility is YOU. Not everyone else but you stop being concerned about everyone else and take care of yourself because no one else at your young age is going to care if you don't care about yourself first and little old floyd or Loyd has a surprise waiting for him and you don't need to be concerned. Making comments about human trafficking will get him jail time. Not free speech when you talk about enslaved people who you intend to harm. He is too stupid to know the law and free speech doesn't protect you against the comments he left. He is being monitored by law enforcement and when they get a warrant then that will be it. I just can't wait to see the expression on his face when he's crying. Can't wait for him to play the victim role It's going to be amusing. Tell you what. I have your email. I'll post the video to you once I arrested him. Can't wait. He might have a fall down a flight of stairs. What do you think? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† mom help!πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

id: 608070 - Text: Β @BigZ69Β  big z eh? You mean like the Russian tanks that keep getting shot up. Z for zombies? You're not big. Your short and not bulked up at all. What do you weigh? 102? Nothing big besides your nose. And your extremely young like 14? Baby face. Do you look like your momma? Sure does look that way. Still playing video games and all. Not very mature. Real man stop playing games when there 16. I moved on when I was 16 to women and guns.

id: 608094 - Text: Whoever is making these videos of messed up people. There is no context given about them in the beginning of videos.. I appreciate your nonjudgmental attitude towards these people. Thankyou for bringing them out.
