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id: 582572 - Text: out of all of these interviews ive watched on this channel this one may actually make me the most upset since it doesn't seem like he came from that hard of a background and he ended up throwing his wife and 2 girls away. All for sex.

id: 582586 - Text: The term trick is the stupidest slang word I know. Its completely non descriptive of the meaning it's a confusing term and I hate it sincerely. Nothing against the folks who do that just hate the name trick it's just the worst and makes no sense to call a sex customer trick. That word in this context really bothers me so much that I'm even commenting ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.let's find a better term for these kinda things for god sake

id: 582587 - Text: He sounds like a textbook sex addict

id: 582597 - Text: $800/hr... Nope, sex isn't that important to me.

id: 582676 - Text: This dudes is some serious denial! He thinks his money puts him in a different class of person. Heโ€™s a drug addict with a serious sex addiction. Heโ€™s spending some peopleโ€™s rent/mortgage on prostitutes and smoking crack ๐Ÿง. Point blank period. Iโ€™m not looking down on him for that, what bothers me is all his attempts at diminishing the seriousness by saying things to try downplay his situations and actions.

id: 582692 - Text: Escort sex has nothing to do with romance relationships. Its got to be a domination power/submission dynamic, that they can only get from escorts.

id: 582703 - Text: I think sex work should be legalized to make it safer for all who chose that lifestyle because itโ€™s the oldest profession there is.

id: 582709 - Text: It's a tough one because in most cases the women are not doing it 100% out of free will . Like it might be the only desperate option or there might be a pimp involved or sex trafficking etc. ? But God did give us free will as long as both parties agree with no body holding a gun to their head so to speak it shouldn't technically be illegal. You can have sex with anyone you want and it's not a problem till money is exchanged? Weird concept. And sometimes if you film it and call it a movie ๐ŸŽฅ porno or sex education film then its also legal ? The world is Weird. But it's God alone that will judge ๐Ÿ™ and he wrote moral laws in our hearts for our own good . Best to follow them

id: 582714 - Text: I get all the judgement in the comments but what struck me the most was his comment that if he met a different person than his wife he would probably have been a swinger. He's got issues for sure and it doesn't excuse anything but really makes you think how some people are just very sexual but they get stuck in the conservative lifestyle with no outlet for that part of who they are and it ends up causing all sorts of problems. Anyway, hope he finds peace.

id: 582759 - Text: I feel like he's talking about trans sex worker's... 800 hr.
