31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 608155 - Text: this video made me cry :( she really doesnt deserve it. not at all. i'd be so thrilled to help her but idk how and if its possible. i really pray she gets to live a wonderful life, and a happy one cz she deserves it

id: 608157 - Text: This is the first video I watched on this channel when it popped up in my feed. I was in tears a third of the way through. What a beautiful, intelligent young woman. And what a horrid life she has to endure. It's heartbreaking. No one deserves to live with such fear and loneliness. I wished I was some kind of millionaire that could provide these girls with a safe home, respect, love and opportunity. She is the same age as my son. As a mum it breaks my heart that these young girls have to live this way just because of their circumstances. I pray that she gets a break in life and makes it. Bless her.

id: 608164 - Text: What about her getting some money from youtube since her video story has more than 8 million views and probably has touched many young girls souls?

id: 608259 - Text: Who's hustling who? SWU hustles the principles of his video studies. This entire channel is a hustle.

id: 608275 - Text: Free Thinker No, she's not. I know you're coming from the most recent video to judge her. Judge the MEN who pimped her out at 13, abused her all her life. Judge the man she was living with recently who was manipulating her to take money from Mark. I have nothing but empathy for people who have been used all their life. She is not well, her self-esteem is in the dirt, and predators know that.

id: 608320 - Text: This is exactly why you need to stop showing people's faces and asking personal questions like "where did you go to school?" and "what gang are you affiliated with?" (See "crack addicted prostitute" & "Exotic update"). If the people you interview are not public figures who are already well known and financially stable, such a video could ruin their reputations. What hope does anyone have of getting a job when the employer thinks, "Aren't you that person from the "Prostitute Interview?" Even if people give consent, the payment is a short-term economic incentive that could lead people to choose to overlook the serious long term effects on their futures. Having a paywall doesn't solve this problem; the details of people's private lives, along with their names and faces (most importantly) are still being shared with a global audience, and that makes people more vulnerable to exploitation, not less.

id: 608350 - Text: does Exotic get a portion of the earnings you get from this video?

id: 608354 - Text: have now watched the subsequent videos, gets complicated huh. Thank you

id: 608358 - Text: I watched two of these videos. And both girls are 23 and... I'm speechless.. cause i am 23. I honestly feels I know nothing about being alone now and how hard life can be.

id: 608383 - Text: Jesus is coming so, so soon, don’t ignore the signs! Believe in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, (He’s God in human form), trust ONLY in His sacrifice (not in how ‘good’ you are) to be saved from hell, and ask God for forgiveness of your sins. If you do all of this and truly mean it you will become ‘born-again’ meaning you will love what is right and hate what is evil and you will repent of your sins which only God can help you do (repent means to be sorry for your sins and stop doing them) Even after this sometimes we can fall into sin and we just need to ask God for forgiveness and be truly sorry but we must do this all of the time to be ready for Jesus’ second coming or for unexpected death and produce fruit by showing you are sorry by not sinning. The reason I say this is that some people have had experiences of hell and seen ‘Christians’ there because they did not repent, but instead believed and lived in sin. Here are some videos that show this: ‘He saw millions of Christians in hell’ and ‘I saw Jesus and was terrified’ both talk about how we need to constantly repent
