58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 582784 - Text: David spade, Jerry Springer, just a couple successful people with lots of money who have paid for sex with prostitutes. Just nice to know, as it proves it doesn't have anything to do with drugs or poverty. Springer went downhill, spade is still on top.

id: 582791 - Text: Dude is in denial. He has issues. He’s a relapsed addict. He is a sex addict. You can tell he’s not comfortable with it and views himself above it. But damn man, you’re going through it. Good luck.

id: 582796 - Text: There's nothing wrong with liking, even loving, sex.....until you constantly need it, and you don't care who you are having sex with; this guy is a sex addict who wants to think he is supporting women who have made the choice to be an escort or prostitute. By trying to say he is sympathetic and only helping them better their situation, he's blowing bullshit along with his money! His true opinion comes out when he calls 'em "hookers" then quickly corrects himself knowing he let his mask down.

id: 582806 - Text: One of my mentors said, "There's no such thing as casual sex." He was right. The consequences may be trivial or significant, but those ripples spread wide through the psyche and sometimes break out into your life. Sexual addiction is common as dirt, but as hidden as ghosts. Kudos to this guy for coming out. He tried to cover his pain with euphemisms mental gymnastics - it didn't work.

id: 582826 - Text:  @kwader_1404  Don't really know if I can. My sense of it is that is there is an intimacy in sex that requires morality, dignity, and sense of self worth. We and the person we have sex with have minds and a set of values. We should be careful about violating those. We're more than our bodies - our lives are more than the moment. Poor answer, best I could do.

id: 582827 - Text: there's totally a thing as casual sex and it's fantastic. Addiction is the issue.

id: 582828 - Text:  @Initium1000  yeah, really. I don't think sex is a huge serious thing at all. it's actually kinda funny and weird when you're not in heat lol. but it's not really as "adult" as anyone claims. it's just something that's fun sometimes, but not other times. the real risk is just disease and pregnancy. without that, safe sex is as safe or frankly as "adult" as any other activity. it's actually kind of immature really. it's like eating with someone you like.

id: 582829 - Text:  @SantaFishes101  I'm weirded the fuck out by people who don't attribute a sincere intimacy to sex

id: 582830 - Text:  @skyberna____2  I mean there CAN be but there doesn't have to be. I'm weirded out by people who insist sex is some sacred ritual where everything means something. maybe someone is just turned on by me and wants me to straddle their dick with my tits. what's wrong with that being simple? lol

id: 582832 - Text:  @Initium1000  there’s always hidden trauma aired as casual sex
