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id: 608421 - Text:  @Roybaaa  did you not watch the video?

id: 608425 - Text:  @xDiP18x  you’re so lucky to not be able to understand and stay ignorant like this, you know? do i have to spell it out for you she was too deep from the first video.

id: 608465 - Text:  @rajbhattacharya4427  ​ @Raj Bhattacharya 6:49 They literally said the pimp made her get a huge face tattoo to essentially mark her as his property. There are so many times where what you said about "Nobody forced her..." would more likely have been right, but not here. I don't mind that you choose to sit in judgement of her, but at least let it be a logical conclusion to what's presented in the video. Further, 9:30 they have a long panning shot down a static photo of her body showing a huge tattoo on her leg and some on her other leg, and during the interview it's clear to see that she has other tattoos on her hands and chest, yet you say "when the tattoos are mostly on the face and not other body parts, as in this girls case." You clearly wanted to share your opinion without even taking into consideration the evidence to the contrary right in front of you that we could all plainly see. Why should any of us treat the rest of your opinion as remotely credible?

id: 608467 - Text:  @rajbhattacharya4427  see, again, you only made it through part of the sentence. "...wanted to share your opinion WITHOUT EVEN TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY". You're proving my point. By not considering everything before you, your response doesn't address the information provided. Your "usually"s, even if true, wouldn't justify your specific statements about this specific person. You're treating "people with face tattoos" as a monolith, by coming to conclusions that can only be reached if having seen one or a few were the same as having met all of them. It is plainly evident that you were wrong in your comparison of the number of tattoos on her face to on her body. You can try to add extra arguments to bolster your initial one, but if you're unwilling to concede its "wrongness" any further argument built on it will continue to be wrong. You ask me for evidence after a baseless assertion that she specifically is a con artist. If you point me to a video where she is caught conning someone or confesses to being one, I'll gladly accept that I was wrong and that the new evidence doesn't support my current claims. But based on what's provided in this video, YOU have no standing to say that she is a con artist.

id: 608477 - Text:  @rajbhattacharya4427  I too don’t believe that pimp is the only reason why she got face tattoos. I thought she said that she originally had a Jordan tattoo on her face, and pimp asked her to cover it up with roses ( jordan tattoo on face is probably not very attractive to clients, duh). She has a jordan tattoo on her neck, showing that she’s fond of jordan and probably made her decision of tattooing him on both her neck and face. She also got her best friend’s tattoo above her eyebrow (totally her own choice). I think she’s not a bad person and all, and I’m not here to judge her or face tattoos, it’s beside the point. I just wanted to point out that some people FULLY blaming the face tattoos to the pimps are naive and illogical, and there ARE evidences in the video that she’s partially responsible for making these decisions. If she likes face tattoos, cool, good for her, but who made her do it is another story.

id: 608490 - Text: Astute. I was thinking some of the same thoughts during the video about the Whitakers in Odd, WV. Comments were all about what amazing people the Whitakers were but if we had never seen them on youtube and we ran into them cold in real life we would avoid them and look down on them , we'd never be calling them 'amazing' and praising people for knowing their own names or learning to communicate like a dog.

id: 608494 - Text:  @longhairwhocares  he does give the interviewees money for every interview they do & has given, I think he said, at least $150,000 of his own money to help these people. Watch his intro video it’ll shed more light on the channel

id: 608498 - Text:  @longhairwhocares  I heard in one of the videos that he pays them for their time. The woman referenced being paid to do the interview.

id: 608500 - Text: 100% I would and am doing that while watching this video. She deserves her fate in my opinion, she isn't innocent by any means despite this video making it seem as if she was a victim. She ran away from people who loved her to be with pimps, nobody forced her to do anything. I'm sure she carries an immense amount of guilt that will never be relinquished.

id: 608529 - Text: These are very interesting comments. The sad part with is practically every sex worker has a story but because it's not put together so comprehensively like this, most people, even the ones who view this video, will still look at prostitutes the same way they did before seeing this, with no sympathy or empathy.
