31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 609972 - Text: Is there any female out there who could offer her a job & a safe place to stay? This is the first time, out of all Mark's interviews, that I see a a young lady who truly, desperately wants a new life, but just needs someone who would have her best interests at help, to give her an opportunity to gtfo of there. Someone who watches these videos in L A. must have some connections they could use to give her a chance... She just needs a way out, even if it's a rehab she could go to for 30 days that would open the door to getting her mind and body clean, and therapy to help her deal with all the trauma, she's suffering from carrying It inside, all alone, for so long. Please 🙏 someone, give her a chance.

id: 610032 - Text: For anyone watching who is looking to change your life or help someone you know change, you may find just what you need to hear on one of these videos on this playlist:

id: 610034 - Text: I wonder how much, if anything, she was payed to give this interview that the producers are making money from? It will be really shitty if the people producing this video are also exploiting these girls for entertainment.

id: 610050 - Text: The only shitty person here is her, just watch her update video.

id: 610086 - Text: Horrible. The pimps are working her like a dog and keeping most of the money. She gets an outfit, a meal and a room to stay. It's not like she came to this business as an adult and CHOSE her career. She was an orphaned child. Just 13 years old! That means every man who helped bring her clients along the way is a stone cold criminal. A child abuser! I hope that she gives all of their names to authorities. I pray that this video can lead her to a social worker who can help her get an apartment with assistance. Dear Lord in heaven, please put your hand on this young woman and lead her to a safer environment.

id: 610155 - Text: I'm sorry, I have a real hard time feeling sorry for people like this. Yes, when she was young, that was wrong. But now? She knows exactly whats she is doing and she knows exactly what that green money smells like. I grew up in the poor lifestyle and I can tell she is way to smart to not be able to get herself out of that situation. I am 49 years old and I have lost most of the feeling in my hands and feet from mercury poising. I started mining coal when I was 15...... no body gives 2 shits. I destroyed my body trying to earn a living, even as a child...... no body gives 2 shits. . I am also a Veteran and I see people in the VA who are much worse off than this pretty little face appears to be............. no body gives 2 shits. I grew up dirt poor in a foster home, most of you commenters grew up in suburbia and the only reason your even watching this video is because she is pretty and young. You have no idea. Those of us who are male, old, or not pretty............................ you dont give 2 shits. Trust me she was abused as a child and that was wrong. Now I think she is well aware of what she is doing and to be frank, making $1000 sucking a dick or two seems like a much better option than running a jack hammer breathing in dust laced with mercury AND SHE KNOWS THIS ..... that's why she is still doing it. But again, People like me aren't young and pretty so our story will never be told. When your poor, its hard to break that cycle. Destroying our bodies is the only option.Sour grapes......... maybe, but I am sure those of you who won the lottery and were born into money will never understand. Your channel is awesome. You should come out to rural America and see how similar the hopelessness can be.

id: 610179 - Text: Exotic, if you ever read this one day, your story really touched me. Your honesty, strength, and intelligence really touched me and I hope that you get that life that you deserve. Youre so young, but because of all you have been thru I can tell that your soul is very old. I'm about to watch your update video. Please never stop trying to find that happiness that you deserve. <3

id: 610189 - Text: you watched the update video?

id: 610203 - Text: I still have so much faith in Ashria. She has been thru so much. She deserves to be happy. In this video she really opened up, in the second she seems so sad, n in the third defeated n angry. U can tell she's holding a lot in.

id: 610206 - Text: This woman talks about the predatory experience of working the streets, only to give all her money to a pimp. Then, this channel publishes the interview with ads. This video (at time of writing ) has 7M views. A quick google search and found someone saying they make between 2-5k per million views. Assuming we lowball that, this guy made as much as 14k so far for her story thus far. So it would appear some other dude is now making money off her experience.
