31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 610489 - Text:  @kaitietheukulelelady5645  You can watch an update video and understand that she's a manipulative liar who unfortunately loves what she is doing.

id: 610508 - Text: He tried to help her wayyyy more than he should have and she took advantage of him. Look at the most recent video he posted with her

id: 610512 - Text: A very eloquent young lady. I truly hope you find the happiness you and your young family deserve. I admire your honesty and even if one person who watches this video chooses not to go go down that path it was worth telling your story. You should be proud of yourself.

id: 610554 - Text:  @flakkkita833  lmao.. do you know she robbed the producer of this video by thousands of dollars

id: 610560 - Text: He tried to help her. There is an update video. It’s sad

id: 610566 - Text: @Fred M There's a little bit of bitterness, I must admit. I have watch dozens of these videos and have arrived at the conclusion that no matter how wicked and abandoned these individuals are, it appears that everyone is willing to excuse their behavior because they had a rough childhood. To me this is illogical. I don't feel a grain of sympathy for criminals who choose to do wrong. Many people have had miserable childhoods, yet they grow up to be exemplary citizens. And I think we must listen to those resilient individuals that have stayed on the right path in spite of having the whole deck stacked against them. But here we are instead, listening to these criminals saying they deserve our help, understanding, and sympathy. They don't deserve any of it.

id: 610687 - Text: I don't understand why Mark was surprised In her updated video that she took the money he gave her and gave It to her pimp. In this video at the beginning she said she been In foster care since she was 2 months, then mark ask her smothing her mother she said her did drugs,men would beat her up and so fourth. So she lied In the beginning.

id: 610692 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  thank you. I really felt this video and appreciate you delving into the questioning because it’s like these young beautiful women are on the battlefield of war. Similar to the military they don’t explain what they go through because it’s a code of secrecy same in the streets.

id: 610695 - Text: You've got a crazy insight into these things that people can't even imagine. Even after they watch these videos their eyes aren't opened. It's a hard life and if people think you're speaking out of school it can cause trouble. I'm grateful that there is a chanel actually showing what being a sex worker is like, it makes me wanna cry hearing my voice heard.

id: 610754 - Text: He did. Gave her a place for her and her kids with an allowance of 400$ a day. All to find out she didn’t have her kids with her but was giving it all to her pimp/bf. Watch latest video
