31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 610782 - Text: My boyfriend saw this video and literally said …”What is wrong with men. ”

id: 610920 - Text: Watch the new video about her

id: 610957 - Text: Let's be clear, she didn't become a prostitute at 13, she was sex trafficked by a sex trafficker. You simply cannot be a hooker as a child, even as a teenager because she was a minor. This is the issue with the laws and the exploitation and labeling. Okay, after watching the entire video it looks like I'm guna have to be one of the few that's real here. I have absolute compassion for Exotic. What's she's gone through is unimaginable and then some. My heart goes out to her and truly wants the best for her. As a mother I can empathize with her pain but..... but... she's 23 with NO pimp and can easily get out. The interviewer isn't saying this to her, isn't telling her she can get out and instead they tell her she's got good intuition?? I'm sorry, but if she had good intuition she'd know to get the fuck out now before she's dead! Why are people not seeing this obviousness that's honestly disturbing? It's like they're rationalizing this lifestyle choice. I understand why it would become an addiction, and why they'd get back into it. But she would make way more money by sharing her story and her experiences on her own Youtube channel or something to educate young girls and boys on why this isn't a life for anyone. I was triggered when the guy said, "This isn't a life for just anyone" -WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE SAY THAT?! That implies that some girls can take it and some can't. This is such an insult to her wellbeing and she didn't even take that for what it was. These people obviously don't give a fuck about her and just used her for views. If they really cared about her, they would've provided her with help. Maybe they did (I HOPE)?? Girls in the life on the streets are brainwashed into believing they don't deserve any better so they continue to stay in it. When you have a pimp, they will definitely stop at nothing to keep you in it because they aren't pimps, they're sex traffickers. They keep girls hostage until they no longer want you and or kill you. I can't imagine the abuse she's endured and I hope and pray she realizes that the cage is in her mind and she's already free now! She doesn't need to be in this life anymore and can change if she's brave enough to do so. The money is addictive and the drugs is a way to numb the pain from the abuse. It's a vicious cycle that never ends until either she gets help from professionals or from someone she trusts OR she does it herself. Stop rationalizing this people. Tell her she needs to GET OUT. Just interviewing her won't do it, she needs to hear what she deserves and that starts with telling her the truth.

id: 610986 - Text: Well you are correct by the follow-up video to this. The donations did no good. I appreciate your post and I also appreciate the interviewer. It's not his fault or anyone else's that they tried to help and it didn't work. The entire system needs to change and that won't help anyone in this lifetime. It's devastating.

id: 611006 - Text: Do u donate the money you make off these videos? Maybe back to the person you interviewed?

id: 611010 - Text:  @Christine.505  lol yeah i watched the 2nd video too

id: 611019 - Text: She took all the money from the funds and gave them to her pimp.Don't donate anymore money to her. Watch the update video:

id: 611020 - Text: This video could have made $24,000 in ad revenue. I wonder how much she made from it.

id: 611025 - Text: After watching new follow up video about her, this girl just blew the chance she got, disappointing but it's her choice

id: 611037 - Text: Even the name of this video is degrading. This is a victim of child sex trafficking….
