31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 611039 - Text:  @PitaaaBby  eh I disagree, he just tittles the video according to their lifestyle. Most prostitues ARE victims of child sex trafficking. If he was to change the titles in all of his videos it would be too long “victim of child neglect, abuse, etc; victim of child sex trafficking and foster care abuse; predator doing sex trafficking but calls himself “pimp”; victim of spousal abuse, etc etc“.

id: 611063 - Text: The new video of this girl is on now was 7 days ago x

id: 611102 - Text: I know… and after watching this video the title doesn’t sound fitting at all. She wasn’t a prostitute, she was a victim of sex trafficking.

id: 611214 - Text:  @jungleforeva  COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT ABOUT YOUR STORY. Copy and paste a messsage on all the videos I’ll even help. Write out a message that you think is suitable and I’ll help you post it on videos so he will notice

id: 611225 - Text:  @lilmidnight11  where is the video posted?

id: 611398 - Text: I can’t believe some of you fools are applauding this woman. She has the brain of a squirrel. Her sons will watch this video. Do you think they will grow up normal knowing her moms history. Worse even if their friends see this video. And they WILL

id: 611442 - Text: @Phoenix Rising Most of the victims he shows in his videos ARE prostitutes, that doesn’t mean they are no longer victims but that’s just the lifestyle that they are unfortunately in. And yes “most”, not all of them are child victims but most are victims in general. There is only a small percentage that are willing to go into lifestyle that are mentally stable and have nothing wrong in their lives …. I actually never seen a street prostitute that wasn’t a victim, I only seen some escorts, but even that’s hard to find.

id: 611465 - Text:  @SuperSkip777  what was @nocomment referring to when he said “new update, not good news?” U said something about watching it when you’re finished with this video. Did he link a video with an update on the girl? They must’ve deleted whatever he wrote cuz me and a few other people have no idea what he mentioned

id: 611489 - Text: Four words: Capital Child Sexual Abuse. Sounds like a pretty obvious solution right? Pimp, john? Kill 'em. 15 year old victims recruiting younger children at school by force or threat of their abusers? Even right there, shit gets morally ambiguous. Morally ambiguous anything will never be seriously addressed by a political system that hinges primarily on a financially exclusive oligarchic diarchy that hides its deliberately non-productive polarization by rallying behind moral issues. I can't fix that with a comment. I can't fix that with a vote. I don't think there's a single person in these near 16 million viewers of this video that don't understand that, but for some reason we remain content urging each other to figure this out again. Hey, Google, you guys have more money and influence than I ever will. More than anyone I've ever known will combined times 1000. And you're only getting richer. Shit's kind of tough for us regular folk, and I hate to bother ya, but can y'all help stop kids from being forced into being [r-worded] for money? Can one of your CEO’s maybe talk to the President or something? Congress? I know y’all have lobbyists, bud, put them to work. Let me conclude this comment by clarifying that the fact that using Google Chrome to use Google's Youtube to comment on someone else’s comment that we both needed Google accounts to say is some fucked up Orwelian bullshit that makes Hoxhan Albania look like regular, non-bunker ridden, Albania. It's a long ranting comment from a stranger, but tell me I'm not making a good point and I will travel to you to defend this to your face.

id: 611532 - Text: Now I see how fake she is in the other videos
