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id: 584037 - Text:  @ummmok1670  so let me explain what cognitive dissonance means: It means that "in his mind or mentally" he thinks of himself as better and separate than other substance or sex abusers. It has nothing to do with who's he's physically in contact with.

id: 584045 - Text: Also his sex addictions. They are just as damaging.

id: 584067 - Text: Stop judging lot and lots of men buy sex most will never go on camera and talk about it. Most of married and in relationships. Most people live double or stable lives.

id: 584090 - Text: Really? I think a traumatic event as more along the lines of the stories of childhood sexual abuse that creates a wound in the soul of a little girl that creates a toy for this trick. Death is part of life, exploitation isn't

id: 584109 - Text: @Anonymous American , wow! One must have one’s “shit squared away by 22” or they weren’t raised properly? That’s a fairly unforgiving way to look at things. At 22, I was attending university, working several jobs, in the middle of a long-term relationship, traveling when I could; outwardly I’m sure I appeared to have it together, and in many ways I did, but I was only beginning to unpack the impact of growing up in a family with substance abuse, gambling addiction, and domestic violence. I was lucky enough to have access to therapy, to be able to take classes in Psychology, and use the opportunity to volunteer at a women’s crisis center that dealt with domestic violence, substance abuse, and rape. I don’t think I was acquainted with many 22 year olds, in college or not, who had things completely squared away and figured out. This man seems like an empathetic person who also has issues. (We all have issues; growing up working class in a town with very wealthy people taught me quickly that trauma and struggles aren’t a contest; “everybody hurts,” as R.E.M. reminds us.) For sure being orphaned before one is 20 would be an awful, lonely, confusing experience. He doesn’t mention that a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or family friend took him under their wing. No siblings, nor even half-siblings who cared enough to reach out to him. Trust me when I say his coke, marijuana, and now crack use (he was so euphemistic about that) is medicating some pain he doesn’t want to feel. Then he married someone who doesn’t share his kinks or curiosity. I’m certainly not condoning him lying to his wife, but this is why people don’t have to get married immediately. He needed to determine then if they were compatible sexually, and if everything else was extraordinary, he needed to find out if his exploration would be okay with her. That, imho, is where he really messed it up for himself. Yet it takes most humans a series of making mistakes in this area to develop the honesty and maturity necessary to know what you need and be able to ask for it. It takes even more to understand that if a relationship partner says “no” to one of your needs and they have no desire to negotiate or compromise, then it’s your responsibility to end the relationship, not just sneak off silently and do whatever you want.

id: 584132 - Text:  @tyroneloki5131  divorce first...then do whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ but cheating... especially with prostitutes or casual sex is the most selfish, dangerous, disgusting thing. If he wants to risk his own health- fine. But his wife was trusting that the circle was closed.

id: 584161 - Text: Alice is doing a great job of awakening people's thoughts on Sex workers. Getting narrow minded people to realise that it's a very important industry that meets the needs of many people .Also shes educating people and helping many people emotionally as well as physically.

id: 584174 - Text: HEY SEXY!❤

id: 584187 - Text: What do you think of the attack and hate men get for wanting to be with sex workers if it in Nevada or oversea

id: 584190 - Text: I didn't know sex workers weren't allowed in certain parts of Nevada. The Nevada laws definitely need to be updated.
