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id: 585126 - Text: I'm sorry Miss Catt but I doubt you were "lying on your dad". Children rarely lie about being raped by their fathers. It did most likely happen, even if you just blocked it. What you said about dressing as a pimp for Halloween in junior high. That is simply not normal behavior for a child. I would have liked to have heard more about your childhood and what set you on this unfortunate life course. I feel horrible for you. I found this online: A study of 200 juvenile and adult street prostitutes documented extremely high levels of sexual child abuse in their background. Sixty percent of the subjects were sexually exploited by an average of two people each, over an average period of 20 months. Two-thirds were sexually abused by father figures. The abuse had extremely negative emotional, physical, and attitudinal impacts. Seventy percent of the women reported that the sexual exploitation definitely affected their decision to become a prostitute. The others reflected the influence in their open-ended comments. Findings make a unique contribution to both the studies of the antecedents to prostitution, and the long-term impacts of sexual child abuse.

id: 585141 - Text: she is a sex worker. prostitute is out dated. I do enjoy this channel just a gentle reminder. she is clearly a person suffering and blaming herself for sh$t that isn't really her fault. she has the ability to change. knows it too

id: 585222 - Text: Are there people out there who really give this creature money for nasty fishy smelly sex?

id: 585228 - Text: She such a beautiful lady...but one thing for sure that I know is that the streets don't love nobody and the love you get from the streets is only temporary no matter what race creed or sex you maybe the shit always catches back up with you. But the main thing I don't understand is how people can go through the shit they go through and stay in the game when certain shit happens to you you just gotta know when to give the bullshit up and find a better occupation...DONT WAIT UNTILL ITS TO LATE. While that heart is still beating and you still have your life just relax be humble and find peace in another place...I would love to see and update and the lovely Catt and I wish her her the great things in life . Thank You

id: 585386 - Text: I was gonna make a similar comment but you said what needed to be said. I'm a sex worker who has been through addiction as well and I think people are looking at her the wrong way, she clearly knows she has not made all the right choices in life and is self reflecting. Yes she's got her guard up but it's understandable considering the life she's lived. I admire her spirit to keep going bc I'm not sure I could say the same if I went through what she did! I truly don't understand people who come on this channel just to judge and look down on someone, like there was a nasty comment that said she must have poor hygiene bc of being in sex work?! Some of these commenters are the truly evil and ugly ones and they're the ones passing the most judgment! Just bc you don't agree with some of her life choices doesn't mean you gotta be disrespectful, like come tf on, be better than that. I wish people would look at these videos as a way to gain EMPATHY on what another human has been through, rather than find ways to put them down. These commenters gotta be pretty sad people to feel like they need to do all that. Maybe just try listening without letting your ego take over, why do you need to talk down on someone who already has it rough!

id: 585393 - Text: These type of women play a major role in the continuation of the vicious cycle..yes, most of us love kids but its very self to keep having more and more kids in poverty..we have to remember that women are the gate keepers of sex..these women volunteer to have sex with horrible men, get pregnant and then cry wolf after the fact.its easy to blame men when no one wants to connect the dots and hold these women accountable for the free will actions.

id: 585412 - Text: No way, how about a gofundme for her father who suffered through his life as a sex offender when he was innocent all along?

id: 585671 - Text: Its those closest to you that cut you the deepest. She accused her father of sexual abuse in order to get back at him for abusing her mother. Then her fellow gang members set her up and left her for dead because she treated them like shit. That is karma and a cold harsh irony. She nonchalantly mentioned her children and the fact that she didn't raise any of them. Its difficult to empathize with this woman. Very difficult.

id: 585707 - Text: I’m able to bring out their fetish quicker because it makes my job quicker…GAH! WTF. All for a few seconds of orgasm. Lives lost, children abandoned, families torn apart all in the name of drug use and sex for money. The horror. The horror. Do these lost souls not know that they are in the driver seat for change? Or, is the pain of leaving this horror of an existence and accepting personal recognition of the crime done to them, the crime they continue do to themselves, and their children through abandonment, beyond comprehension? 😭 It’s all about love. Or, its absence.

id: 585718 - Text: So at 7years old she just lied about her dad molesting her sexually because “she is creole and she thought her dad was racist”???? that’s either a special level of “woke” superhero, or that’s a lie. She just did it because she wanted to see what would happen. I have a voiding like that. She would start a fire just to see what happens. The six kids and the leg stumps make me realize she needs to be institutionalized. ASAP.
