31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 612066 - Text: She exposes the enemy in this video. She tells of generational curses and addictions that make people screw up their lives. I’ll keep this girl in my prayers. She is the reason Christ died; to set the captives free.

id: 612097 - Text: If this girl wasn't attractive I wonder if this video would have 6 million views, we all know the answer.

id: 612098 - Text: I like how you are very gentle in the way you ask the questions. If I was to make a suggestion, I'd suggest you don't ask so many "suggestive" questions. I feel like you gave her the answers a lot before she even said anything. I realise it might sometimes help the girls but I feel like the answers would be more interesting and honest if they came from themselves and you also don't suggest a certain emotion or feeling about their answers to them. I hope this makes sense to you. Anyway, I really appreciate those kinds of videos. I have a lot of respect for these women

id: 612112 - Text: Is anyone going to help her or just exploit her for a video....even the way they film her is uncomfortable. Help her! She's not a prostitute she is a child abuse victim!!!!!!!

id: 612153 - Text: Ok but who asked? Stop spreading hate the video literally made me cry you can see how broke she is from the inside and if not sorry to say but you're just cold

id: 612221 - Text: ​ @HappyMarshmallowGamingComedy  With all due respect, she didn't choose to be a prostitute, she was only 13 when she started! Her father was in prison, her mother was a drug-addicted prostitute and she grew up in the foster system. She was a literal child runaway who was abused by criminals in order to survive in the streets. If you re-watch from 01:30 you will see that she wasn't even the 'original' child prostitute to begin with, she ran away with another girl in her placement who had a pimp (and she did not know). You must admit that is very different scenario than that of a woman with other opportunities who may choose to start an OF or become a proper escort after the age of 18. The fact that her English is unsophisticated is also not her fault given that she is uneducated and has been out of the education system since the start of middle-school. It isn't fair to compare her skills with those of people who have had the opportunity to explore their intellectual potential. As for the face tattoos, check out the video again from 06:49, she was forced to tattoo her face by pimps as a way of 'branding' her. That is not her fault, nor a fair representation of her intellectual potential.

id: 612351 - Text: update video

id: 612352 - Text: kevin mag- You couldn't be more wrong. Check out her follow up video that was posted today. Good heart? Nope.

id: 612382 - Text: Such an intelligent beatiful brave girl. My heart meleted every second of this video. Shes young can get out of this situation and she will.

id: 612386 - Text: I watch these videos and it really makes an understanding of perspective. How we were raised, brought up, or even how lucky some of us are. I wanna pray for these people, because I hope god will give them the love and respect they deserve as people.
