31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 612416 - Text: Did you give her money for this video?

id: 612426 - Text: Total bullshit. Check out her latest video. She just hustels mark out of a shit ton of money, a car, and a free apartment.

id: 612428 - Text: If she really cared about her kids, she would leave this lifestyle all together. Check out the follow-up video. She hustled Mark, and she hustled all of the viewers. You guys fell for her act.

id: 612432 - Text:  @ryanjavierortega8513  she was out of the hood, the dude who makes these videos was getting her a house/car gave her a few thousand dollars no pimp tracked her down and kidnapped her, she chose to go back to that for whatever reason. if she was forced into it, she should have spoke up last interview but she sat there defiant, knowing she just fleeced all the people who supported her go fund me.

id: 612455 - Text: That's the kind of video you show forced birthers who think babies born into the foster care system are a good thing. And also to "feminists" that say sex workers are happy and free.

id: 612500 - Text: I'm out here on the otherside of the planet living in one of the nordic welfare states in which looking at how many videos Mark has he would have probably interviewed every single homeless person in the country and half the prostitutes. Fun fact prostitution is not illegal here but we dont see it on the streets really. So to me to think that this is a real person and their reality is like this is absolutely mind bending its not just a documentary on TV etc. I really feel for her and get a genuine desire to help her in any way. I cannot believe this sweet girl has had to go through so much in such a young age😔

id: 612572 - Text: It is my hope that the woman in this video reads my comment. If you have ability to share this with her, please do. I also spent some time in juvenile hall at age 15. My mother sent me there. I cried out to Jesus Christ when I was in that little cell and begged for his forgiveness, His help, and His love. After being allowed to go home, I ran away and ended up in Hollywood of all places. I was homeless for about a year. So many things could’ve happened to me while I was out there. It was by God’s grace alone that I didn’t end up in a similar situation as yours. I went home and God helped me start a new life. He helped me break ties with toxic people, reconcile with my mother, and miraculously graduate high school on time. I think everybody doubted it was possible, but God made the way. I simply believed that it was possible with His help. Glory to God! You didn’t die when you jumped out of an automobile going 60 mph. I’m sure there have been countless times where you were protected. God loves you more than you can ever imagine and is always looking after you. He has plans for you. Like you said, there is always one person there who cares. It’s not too late for you to turn away from that life and trust in God. You can do it with His help. Jesus paid the highest price for you and is the only One who deserves your heart. Repent, trust in Jesus, and be forgiven. It’s not too late. If you don’t have a Bible, please get one and read it with an open heart. These are some verses that came to mind while I was listening to you today. I really hope that you will meditate on them. I will be praying for you and your children. If there’s anything else I can do, by all means, please let me know. Also, I’m really proud of you for being truly open and honest during that interview. You referred to “the life” a few times. Jesus says…. John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have LIFE, and that they may have it more abundantly.“ Here’s one I think you’ll agree with. Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I could go on and on, but I really want to encourage you to read God’s word for yourself. Grace and peace be with you.

id: 612614 - Text: This pain. I can feel it so intensely. Exotic, thank you for telling us about your story. It probably wont do a lot for you, but sharing helps people understand and helps changing a judgement that has been going on for years. I, and many other people who watched and liked this video, will always be thankful, and wish you the greatest power and finally a life that will make you smile again.

id: 612629 - Text: All I see in this video is a girl who is so confident to speak about what she does. Many of us are not this fluent. What does it show really? To me, it shows a person who has accepted a way of living just to survive. Ultimately, this way of living becomes a life, and then it becomes difficult to come out even more. The world would have been a better place if instead of spending that money for a desire, life was made, jobs were created and something made for them as well. In one part she says its something that people judge her to to be knowing and cannot expect her to do any other job. Well, an ice skater can ski but we cannot expect them to also be good at sky diving unless trained. There is something seriously wrong with the world in making girls do this profession. Obviously, it all centers around money, a piece of paper that goes as easily as it comes. And sadly, this will never change. There will be people who would pay for a desire, and hence there will be people who will be made to address that desire. But kudos to this interviewer and the person talking on the screen. Initiatives like this may somewhat help this community in some way. May God give wisdom to those who have none, and courage to those who are exposed the most.

id: 612667 - Text: Imagine her kids running across this video later on in life 😳.. poor her man she’s so strong stepping up in front of millions of us and confessing hopefully one day she makes it out with her kids🙏🏻
