58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 586549 - Text: Y'all are acting like she eloquently said "Mother, my father figure is raping me." She probably was like "daddy puts his pp in my pp sometimes." I know, I tell my 4 year old goddaughter that if anyone puts their privates near hers, she needs to tell someone no matter what, so we can keep them away from her. She doesn't know what sexual abuse is or have any concept of rape, but she knows her private area are for her and mother to interact with only.

id: 586587 - Text: yes she means going to school to learn a job trade computer coding however people with the psychological makeup she has cannot be employed that is why she chose to perform sexual acts for money instead of working like normal people do. and supposed to have done something does not equally having done something you noticed she says she could pass the state bar exam and become a lawyer however she apparently can't even show up to school to learn computer coding.

id: 586722 - Text:  @KansaiTeacher  I myself am a addict. I'm clean now, but for about ten years on and off I was a sex workers and heroin addict. So ,no that's not why I think she's lying. I'm just saying what I think, and that's ok. I don't have to explain myself

id: 586773 - Text: At 7? I would guess she was coached to say that because what 7 year old knows about SA unless they were told? They know about safe/ unsafe touch at that age but not SA they shouldn’t even know what sex or sexual touching is at 7. You can’t blame a 7 year old.!

id: 586775 - Text:  @JenessaAndKingston  I beg to differ. Absolutely should a child know some things so they're not victims to predators. My son is 7. Since he could speak he knew his body parts. He was taught what areas were only for him or I to touch (in washing him up). Last year we discussed the words sex, consent, and boundaries. He thought sex was bad. I told him it was what 2 loving adults are to engage in. That he was created out of love and that act. That children can NEVER give consent (permission) to have sex and that if boundaries (safe space) is crossed he is to immediately speak up. He was also told we don't say sex at school (for every child is not exposed to that word). My son will not be naive to certain things. I was a victim by 6 so history will not repeat itself. 💯

id: 586879 - Text: She lowkey bad. If she wasnt a sex worker I would date her.

id: 586949 - Text: It’s ironic that we champion sex workers and support their freedom to do what they do, but then demonize the men who partake in their services and make it even possible for women to do sex work

id: 586958 - Text: Regular women are more likely to give you something than a sex worker lol you sound ignorant

id: 586962 - Text: I asked my friend about sleeping with sex workers…He told me the fact that they don’t actually want to sleep with him is the turn on, like being able to pay for something that’s usually not accessible or even for sale. I think he’s sadistic though, not sure.

id: 586965 - Text: Lol he needs to be in a relationship if he wants to “like” someone before sex
