31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 612676 - Text: Just happened to come across this video and I must say the person who is doing the interviews is HORRIBLE at interviewing people (especially people who have been and are going through such difficult life experiences). In the description for this YouTube channel, it says "Soft White Underbelly interviews and portraits of the human condition" but the person is not actually doing that and his "interviews" are really fucking invasive because he doesn't seem (from the videos I have watched) to want to try to actually listen and understand these people but (to me) makes judgements on these individuals which is evident from him asking leading questions, prompting the person being interviewed in the direction that he thinks the interview should go, making assumptions about these individuals and ultimately not really learning anything about them. It's as if he is in a court of law doing a cross-examination of these individuals. If he is not asking leading questions, he's asking closed end questions that lead the conversation to a dead end... He should set his biases and judgements aside and ask open-ended questions that begin what, where, when, why and how questions and truly take the time to listen to these people

id: 612726 - Text:  @AABB-zb6dv  I have not seen. She knows, she is valuable, she can't live that value, she can't have feeling good, for it only comes from following turn around point, leaving that life style in the past! Then she can It's very sad she should be there for her children!! Maybe I am one enabler, but I don't look down upon her, I reject her choices and work style, but she beautiful human being, I wish she can turn around her life for good. And I don't need to hear about it on YT in another video 🙂

id: 612770 - Text: This is great work but,, Urm she probably got in a lot of trouble after this video went viral. The least U could do is help her after u use her for content.

id: 612795 - Text: He keeps interrupting her in this video and also feeding her answers. Wish he wouldn't do that, it's not respectful.

id: 612797 - Text: So does she get any help from the people making money off this video?!!!!

id: 612843 - Text:  @kyleg3837  typical victim blaming lol. watch the video to get rid of your bigotry and realize that we're all human even if u get a boner from one gender

id: 612928 - Text: "actually my father abandoned me so i don’t owe men praise or ANYTHING i am a proud misandrist lolol" The fact that this young girl from a video isn't misandrist after everything she's been trough speaks volume of her intelligence and reason, unlike your comment. My father was abusive towards my mother, siblings and me but that didn't define who I am, as a man. I'm sorry you had to go trough whatever you've been, I'm sure it was traumatizing and I hope one day you'll change your ways...

id: 612942 - Text: 99% of men who watch this video feel protective and want to help this young lady. I am just an old white man and I look at her as a young lady who just needs a break in life. If I could I would move her out of LA and into the country away from all the things that have tried to ruin her. She is strong and intelligent and if given the opportunity I think she could be successful at anything she put her mind to.

id: 612951 - Text: So, who are these friends sitting in the echo chamber?
 -Gabe B -Kyle G -Frozen 7… -Deviant fish -Wong T -Bing wong  -Rockie mountain  -Captain chivalrous (oh, the irony) -Wicked Houston  -A name with characters/letters unknown to me  -Natan M -Sweaty thumbs  -SET -filly fingerz  I'm sure I missed a few.
 And what are these friends saying, as a collective monolith? 
 One suggests that women should be thankful for men building, running, providing, and protecting all of human civilization from the beginning of time.  One suggests the superiority of the male species with something along the lines of "yeah, sure, a woman birthed me, but it was a MAN that put me in that womb in the first place!"  One woman stated her father abandoned her as a baby. Several men commented that his leaving was her fault despite her being a baby. Or if not, definitely her mother's fault. It had to be a woman to blame. 
 Several comments suggest that women are responsible for men's sexual energy and sexual aggression towards women, mainly if they are dressed a certain way. Several offer nothing but the most simple rebuttal that requires no brain activity = "you're a feminist! You're a man-hater!" One guy suggests that the r*pe problem is not that big a deal since less than 5% of men commit rape or sexual assault. So doing some quick math: of the 5 BILLION men on the planet, only 250 MILLION are sick, perverted, sex offenders. That's just wonderful.  Some discuss the high prevalence of female pimps, suggesting that women should share more blame for procuring, soliciting, and exploiting women as prostitutes than they currently are willing to accept. These guys have watched too many movies or YT videos to assume or believe that women own a significant stake in running this industry. Plus, if they were so prevalent as you claim, perhaps you would know how to address them. They're not called "mother pimps" or "female pimps" - they are referred to as "madams."
 Out of nowhere, a guy comments that "well, technically speaking, 13 is the reproductive age." As if that very thought wasn't fuckin creepy and sick as shit…you had the bright idea to type that shit. Sex with a 13yo? You're gross. To add insult to injury, another guy proudly comes to his defense.  Another few guys comment about how r*pists are dealt with and punished in prison. The comment itself makes it seem that ALL r*pists (or even a majority of them) are caught, tried, found guilty, and end up in prison. It also suggests that whatever happens to them in prison justifies the act of the R*pe that preceded it. Sick. One comment implies that just because you're a victim of R*pe doesn't give you the right to dislike men. Further, it states that "only a closed-minded, simple, and "*add whatever passive-aggressive insult here*) person would dislike men for personal reasons." Almost to shame this woman for her feelings. This is a "MAN" telling a WOMAN what she can and cannot think or feel about R*pe. I can't make this up.
 There's one in which the guy says that "men are the forerunners in EVERY walk of life compared to women." Take that, woman. One brings up OnlyFans to generalize that women are, by and large, all about sex and quick money.
 One guy states that a man will not help stop another man from sexually assaulting and/or r*ping a woman because of the risks of violence that he might endure.
 In other words, if he witnessed a 13yo being r*ped in the McDonald's bathroom, he would wash his hands, quietly exit, and tell the person at the register, "on second thought, I will take that meal to-go instead." He grabs his meal and dashes out. How noble and manly you are.

id: 612954 - Text:  @Sleipnirseight  Kyle is definitely in the top 3 commenters here regarding how much he despises women. I feel that some men watch these videos not because of the story, not to understand, not to empathize, not for the typical entertainment value, and not out of boredom or genuine curiosity. Not for anything relevant. Instead, they watch it because they somehow get some joy seeing and listening to vulnerable women who have been abused, exploited, and in some ways degraded. It's like they are here to witness the destruction of a woman, someone of the opposite sex, and they get a kick out of it. Several of these comments from the guys are actually mind-blowing. Borderline creepy. One wouldn’t expect to read those types of comments under a video of this subject matter.
