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id: 586975 - Text: Ok im confused... in the movies you see that the trick must pay first b4 having sex but he is saying don't do that bc you get screwed so whats the correct way??

id: 586989 - Text: So sad abused girls end up having sex with guys like this that are also messed up. They all need help.

id: 586990 - Text: and that is why you always tell a woman you only get money after sex. I never offer a woman money before sex and I tell her the way I want to do things.

id: 586992 - Text: I have the sneaking suspicion that im going to end up regretting this...but i wont let shame or fear of ridicule and judgment silence my tongue if God lays something on my heart to share a piece of my testimony. I almost said I used to be a drug addict but you never stop being an addict, even if you get clean and practice abstinence. But I'm not even in that still very much in active addiction. I think my subconscious mind wanted to say that i no longer partake in drug usage because even though I am still using, my lifestyle is so dramatically different thank God. I used to be bad.... reckless, ruthless, no regard for life... particularly my own. It was like a perpetual game of Russian roulette. Anyway, this video was a hell of a trigger bc I was one of the women he speaks of. I can't explain how mentally jarring it was listening to him. To hear about it from the man's perspective. But then again, this man is somewhat a rarity when it comes to the overall general consensus. I can tell hes a good person, and I think it speaks volumes of his character that he is so transparent, without being overly concerned about what people will think and say about it. Not many men will admit to developing feelings for a woman he pays for sex. Their pride and egos won't even allow them to admit that they are in fact a trick. Call a man that's tricking a trick and see what happens. It just brought back so much that my mind had pushed way back into the abyss of my subconscious. When you are forced to sell your body for your drugs, it damages something deep down inside of a woman and it leaves a gaping hole that will never heal. Theres no getting past it. You just learn to live with it. Much like you learn to shut everything down when you are giving yourself to a stranger that you have absolutely no desire for at the best case scenario....worst is when it's someone you find completely and utterly disgusting. But that's exactly what happens...its amazing the way the brain can operate on autopilot and block certain things, or detach you mentally from the hopeless, devastating place your body is. Everything he said is so true. It becomes so uncomfortable and awkward when they start catching feelings, and worse... get possesive and jealous. Start manipulating and exploiting your addiction and the fact that you have become dependent on him ( bc they will make sure of it.) Claim that they have fallen in love but go home to their poor unsuspecting wives every night. Ok I'm stopping now.... anyone who has read all this.... thanks for taking the time to read the rants of a mad woman and thanks in advance for not commenting if you are going to be judgmental, holier than thou or disrespectful. God bless

id: 586993 - Text: He could do much better. With the right person & having sex on a regular basis & avoiding disease & Violence. Hope you retire this behavior that you are currently Doing.

id: 587021 - Text: This mfr had to learn to not put his heart into sex workers and to not trust him w his old ass age lmaoo

id: 587040 - Text: This guy would trade his life in for sex. That's sad. He has normalized his behavior so much he doesn't even understand that healthy relationships require commitment. He's judging women for doing something he supporting. No accountability.

id: 587058 - Text: There seems to be little acknowledgement of the dissassociative state that consumed-sex providers operate under. They have their whole street nickname persona to identify with it.

id: 587131 - Text: He never get a real sexy woman normie to love him. Chauvinist pig. Snort.

id: 587134 - Text: His personality is nice & humorous but his addiction to sex is saddening & immoral and I can’t see past that part. So much can be said about this guy.. especially because he feels slighted & extorted yet he’s a participant in a vicious circuit of sex exploitation.
