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id: 612966 - Text:  @ObiAmajoyiSrMD  appreciate the effort you went through to analyze these "men". You're right, it really does seem like more of these boys are thinking with this "men vs the world" bs. It has turned them hateful and deluded. I've seeing some disgusting things said on videos where women share their assault stories like this one. Any simple video with a woman in it seems to be bombarded with misogyny on this site. It looks like its only getting worse unfortunately.

id: 612971 - Text:  @matlohn9381  Thank you, Mat. And I agree with you. The concept itself is alarming, disturbing but also dangerous. Take a group that, for all intent and purposes, is considered privileged historically. It’s one thing to try to take challenge it take on the world from a superior place of privilege. It’s an entirely different beast to be in the same position of privilege, yet somehow believe that you are the oppressed victim and think everyone is out to screw you over. The motivation to do anything and say anything is intensified. You and I are witnessing it unfold in the comments. I’m sure others are noticing it too. The amount of delusion, hate, and displays of misogyny that can come from this is quite disturbing. You had the perfect descriptive word: it’s disgusting. I started reading comments on another thread from this video, and the responses were similar—women voicing their empathy, pain, and frustration. At the same time, men bash the women in any way possible. I had to stop reading them. As you stated, it looks like it’s only getting worse.

id: 612973 - Text:  @ObiAmajoyiSrMD  agreed, these boys are not all to blame, this site is also a problem, you can watch one video of "feminist get own" and it'll recommend videos to you that are synonymised with that sort of thinking, only pushing them further down the rabbit hole of anger and misunderstanding. Like you said, it only takes a few of them to make the others comfortable enough to spew their hateful misogynistic views as well. Hatred spreads and corrupts. What I really wish the most, is that men realize that true feminist actually advocate for men's issue's as well. Like the stigma where men can't express emotion or they shouldn't share their stories of SA. Most of them think feminism is all about hating on men which is not true whatsoever, but like I said, this site is also to blame, because it will only show the worst side of any movement or political side.

id: 612992 - Text:  @Sleipnirseight  I’m talking about you’re all men are responsible for this accusation but I don’t have to tell you that you know damn well what I’m talking about but like a true lefty you lie and twist the truth and make shet up as you go claiming all conservatives some how except this behavior I was responding to you’re accusation to that video not the video have a nice life KAREN and if and when you leftest fools get what your pushing for (socialism/communism) you as a feminist will be amongst the first to regret your irreversible mistake just ask anyone living under such regimes

id: 613057 - Text:  @NoComment79  Honestly have no clue lol. Also, I noticed after watching this video that there were updates- freakin tragic and upsetting. I feel so bad for Mark, too.

id: 613129 - Text: 3:20 in the video. This girl just described taxes to a T.

id: 613163 - Text: This video made me feel so sad for her, she deserves so much more, she’s intelligent and beautiful and so strong, poised, level headed & it just breaks my heart the shit she has had & will continue to go through until she can get herself in a good place, because I can see how easy it is for someones life to go down this path, people really don’t understand the genetic lottery is real. I really hope the best for her.

id: 613190 - Text: Great video. Thanks for sharing

id: 613216 - Text: Growing up, I always wanted to try making videos like these. I wanted to give people a platform, the lost, forgotten, or those involved with the darker sides of society. Anyway, I just wanted to say that what you’re doing is beautiful and inspiring. I wish the world could know all of their stories.

id: 613243 - Text: Damn! Life is really unfair. Thank God for my parents. Just from this video u can tell she is strong.
