31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 614452 - Text: Honestly , you need more credit for these videos from the psychological and mental health aspect in which you conduct your work. As a young teen mom, growing up in an abusive home and giving birth at 14, it took your videos among many other influences to wake up and realize that I have lived a somewhat similar life to parts of many stories which only partial recollection remain, I perceive due to suppression. It’s sad but eye opening to be forced to accept reality and begin healing.

id: 614457 - Text: is that a birthmark on her face or a tattoo. the video lighting is obviously trying to hide it.

id: 614501 - Text: So basically this poor girl was screwed from the start. Everyone in her life failed her. She never even had a chance. So she made a bad decision when she was 13 & now has to pay for it for the rest of her life. But I also think by agreeing to do this video it show's she's motivated to change. So beautiful but so damaged. I really hope she can get out for good. It's absolutely heartbreaking :'(

id: 614536 - Text: I hope he gives the proceeds of this video to the interviewee. It’s her money. Her story is incredibly sad and he’s benefiting off of her

id: 614613 - Text: this video broke my heart into a million pieces. i am so sorry for you, Exotic and to all people who have to go through this. you all deserve so much better than that. you all should be able to feel safe and have all the rights other people have. this is a really eye-opening video about that we should never ever judge anyone just because what they do for living. Exotic, i hope you are doing well.

id: 614709 - Text: I'm only 6mins in this video n I can tell this girl is special smart humble n beautiful. God bless sweetheart. I wish u many blessings

id: 614722 - Text: Hope a portion of the money made from this video gets to her.

id: 614834 - Text: Alright but can we talk about the classism of the presentation? Whenever they show the "glamourous escort", she is pale, blonde, done up with different socioelect. If she is on drugs, she "just ended up down a bad path." But they wanna show women of color with a more country dialect, tattoos, mention their education (show me the video where this is done with the rich white girl escorts with sugar daddies) always highlighting the danger and stuff. Where are all the glamourous lights in front of shopping malls next to high value men? Where is all that energy when male escorts are interviewed? How often are they even interviewed? Nah, stop this message. It promotes the dehumanizing that erotic workers experience.

id: 614838 - Text: These videos are sad man, I hope things turn around for her

id: 614855 - Text:  @bryanhawkins9418  I commented on this video because I watched the video and I have something to say about this video you are reading the comment under. She referred to herself as light skinned which is something people of color do because there is an assumed tone when you are of a certain race though that tone is NOT always present. Her dialect is very hood. So, when we speak of these professions (notice no quotations because SEX WORK IS WORK), when it comes to Escorts, google that word and notice what comes up. You will not see women of color (color means ethnicity so YES even people that are black Spanish or white can have a white skintone), with blonde hair. These women will be upper middle class with a bunch of shopping bags standing by a wealthy looking white man. But look up the word prostitute. Now it's all women of color that look unkept, dark backgrounds, near cars, it slants the view of how people think.
