31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 614856 - Text:  @bryanhawkins9418  This girl is very likely black and white (I could be wrong). I am mixed myself, black MOTHER, white father but people insist I am Spanish all the time, blah blah and can't tell what I am depending on how I wear my hair. I did not get mixed girl ringlets, I have 4C hair.But tv only gives white people] a single blue print to draw from when it comes to mixed people. And really people in general. A white person will call a person with beige skin "dark", please note, with beige skin, u ask WHITE people to borrow make up if u forgot yours, NOT a Beyonce or a Naomi Cambell. Wesley Snipes is dark, Alicia Keys is not, but white people call anyone outside of white dark, which circles me back to her calling herself light skinned in the video.

id: 614857 - Text: Exactly! I share these videos with friends who think that prostitution is just an empowering choice that some women make. After you listen to these stories you realize that there isn’t anything empowering about it.

id: 614878 - Text: Watched the entire video asking the elephant in the room. Why did she choose this lifestyle over staying in the system?!? That’s the main question and the one that needs to be addressed. Our system is so messed up young girls prefer to sell themselves and risk their lives daily then to stay in these “homes/shelters/centers” etc. Horrible.

id: 614879 - Text: If there’s a way I could be put in contact with exotic I would appreciate it I just only want to give her good thoughts uplift her to show her that she is loved and cared about out here thank you so much she can do this I know I’m posting on an old video interview of her but I’ve seen an updated video and I know she is doing great I know she can do this she is a strong willed strong minded woman the path ahead is easier than the path behind live in the future not in the past chalked the past up as a learning experience and move on you can do this we are all here for you love and respect always and forever

id: 614890 - Text: This video is a perfect scared straight video for anyone who's got kids that are fucking up real badly

id: 614900 - Text: Honesty the guy who makes these videos gives me weird vibes. Anyone educated would know she was sex trafficked, is a victim, and the word 'prostitute' is not accurate at all.

id: 615017 - Text:  @rentfree291  There's a troll in EVERY youtube video. Congratulations! You just earned yourself the troll of the year award.

id: 615052 - Text:  @lindseyjohanneson6950  my dads a fluffer in adult films 🎥, hey would you want to rub ur self in cheese wiz on a dirty mattress in a hotel room high off mdma and meth rocks blowing clouds ☁️ with us ? We need a nice video with a nice cheese wiz scene would you get wizzed up for us and wiz the cheese all over ya like sun tan oil dripping all over ya skin while ya lay down in the sun like a spread eagle 🦅 you should smoke a pack of smokes in a half hour to and power smoke them as fast as you can and light up a bowl of meth on ur bbq

id: 615071 - Text:  @indoom666  did you even watch the video lmao how are you this dumb. 😂😂😂😂

id: 615089 - Text:  @indoom666  some people dont have a choice when going into prostitution which would be clear to you if you watched the video….
