58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 591419 - Text: Men oversexualise females who oversexualise themselves. Dress they way you want to be treated and NO it will not change.

id: 591425 - Text: I wish I could meet her... Show you how great you are! And I mean beyond body or sexual. You are beautiful and I feel your pain. So many men are truly fucked up

id: 591470 - Text: Saying "well you're putting yourself out there as a sex object, so you're going to get objectified" is absolutely disgusting, Mark. Do better.

id: 591477 - Text: I been homeless most of my life and I used to do sex work as well.But Jesus delivered me from that mentality and way of living.It's so freeing and peaceful in my life now compared to how my life used to be.God/Jesus can save you too.Romans 10:9-10 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

id: 591484 - Text: She sexy.

id: 591505 - Text: Whoever thinks women are not as sexually inclined or horny as men are is clearly biased

id: 591509 - Text: @clairelumiere2901  That's good to hear...(If it can be confirmed by the guests). But let's not kid ourselves about "helping ppl' It's exploitative. Viewers (myself included) click on it mostly for the salacious details. One of the biggest ironies, is that way more ppl know that a certain girl is a sex worker from your videos that from real life. Like wayy more. (I don't know yall to judge your intentions personally, but know that MOST PPL WOULD STILL WATCH if you had the guests on with a Lil masquerade mask over their eyes) 🤔

id: 591519 - Text: Telling a woman “Well you’re putting yourself out there as a sex object so you’re gonna be objectified” while she’s telling you a lot of men don’t respect her sexual boundaries and start assaulting her & she can’t speak up out of fear of being further assaulted/killed is crazzzzyyy. Mark you truly never fail to say the stupidest shit. You’re a fucking dumbass.

id: 591546 - Text: When women learn that the only one who validates you is yourself, things will change. You can sleep with whoever you want, but even if you only have one sexual partner, if you give that person your mind, you’re screwed. Keep your mind, nurture your mind, and if you lost it, renew it. Your body will heal AFTER you heal your mind. Your actions won’t have such negative effects on you once you start moving from a higher mental space.

id: 591554 - Text: You are such an intelligent woman. You are VERY young still. Make the hard, right choices moving forward. And, no, not everyone is on drugs. There is another life. But it's tough to go to other side when you've lived a life like yours, but you can. You've just gotten used to the fast life...there are a lot of good men out there. Don't believe it's "male nature," as you said to just want to use women like you for sex. Those guys are not "men." You can find a good man.
