58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 591723 - Text: Sex work can't be good.

id: 591728 - Text: Straight men want the companionship of a woman so they don't look to a man especially nowadays. It's not the men are over sexual. It's just they're trying to sow their roots with a woman. I think women would feel the same way if they weren't sought after so much.

id: 591729 - Text: My dude mark why you always trying to demonize men are you gay? What do you mean What have you learned about men?that they're Sex. Drive Works when you see a naked woman you're gonna react if your dick work lolwhat's up with these women talking about How they get abuse but they're putting thereself out there to use men If I was a woman and I didn't like being abused I wouldn't sell my body duh

id: 591768 - Text: I don't see where this is any different than swinging around a pole. This is the exploitation of women and not helping anyone -congratulating someone for acquiring money from sex and SELLING THEMSELVES IS EVIL AND just sad. This young lady is a hooker, a prostitute a whore nothing more nothing less, walking the street or doing parties the same difference. It is sad to forgive yourself for being a slut or slutting yourself out. I have been with men who I thought loved me but played me as if they wanted to get married. I never set out to sell myself but ended up with men in the occult who drew me in because I was lonely and wanted a family. Do you realize every time you sleep with a man they deposit demons in your body. And they withdraw something from your spirit. This is a sad story of being under a witchcraft power like I was. TURN BACK TO JESUS YOUNG LADY. COME FROM UNDER A WITCHCRAFT POWER."For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul: Matthew 16:26. You are exchanging your soul for money and material things. "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.'; 1 TIMOTHY 6:10. REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND BE BAPTIZED FOR THE REMISSION OF YOUR SINS ACTS 2:38. TURN TO JESUS AND AWAY FROM THE DEVIL BEFORE YOU LOSE YOUR SOUL AND BE SEPARATED FROM JESUS FOR ALL ETERNITY. REPENT REPENT AND REPENT. TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER AND INTERVIEWER I QUESTION YOUR LEGACY OF DECENCY. THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO COVER A STORY LIKE COVERING UP THE SUBJECT

id: 591776 - Text: At the age of 40, I am absolutely sure of one thing - money is the most important thing in life. Money gives confidence. Without money, you can't do anything, neither help your loved ones, nor see a doctor if you need it. You're not human without money. Even a normal relationship with the opposite sex without money is not worth counting on, because people do not respect those who have achieved nothing in life. The only thing I regret is that I didn't understand this before. The beautiful heroine in the video said that she thinks about making as much money as possible, and this is absolutely true. This is the only right way. Only, her job is very dangerous, and I wish her good luck, the protection of the Gods and to fulfill her dreams as soon as possible. I apologize for the long comment, but this is a cry of the soul. Young people, don't make my mistake, think only about choosing a job that you will do well and will allow you to earn as much as possible. And all the joys, pleasures, entertainment, whatever you want, you will buy yourself and be happy.

id: 591782 - Text: Man it's so sad how this woman devalues herself for having a sex life even though she recognizes the bullshit double standard that women are held to. That religious cult she spent some of her upbringing in must have instilled some really fucked up ideals in her head.

id: 591837 - Text: When you reduce yourself to a sexual object your view of how others are is a reflection of that.

id: 591841 - Text: Not necessarily. Any woman whose been raped, Exploited and taken for a ride, to find out she was played feels this way. And it has nothing to do with enjoying sex in or out of relationship. A lot of women who enjoy(ed) sex may choose to avoid or numb, not even bother. Unfortunately a lot of woman are scarred emotionally and will never have that light and innocence she had before she was abused physically and emotionally. Multiply that and even she won’t remember who she once was. Men need to be educated at a young age how to provide and care for women. Unfortunately society and absent fathers and working single mums has led to young girls smart beautiful and gentle being marginalized instead of empowered goddesses. I also think religiosity is not always the moral compass parents might want to believe.. it does not replace healthy parenting and communication. Unfortunately parents don’t really know what they are doing even the ones who aren’t sexually or physically abusing. Some do their best but the familial patterns prevail..

id: 591890 - Text: Bringing a child in the world for a black person should never be the attitude if it happens it happens. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing Third Generation General and Child Psychiatrist and Author of the Isis Papers said “when you play around with sex the joke is on the offspring.” Bringing a child into a world that is hostile to you and that child should be something that is thought about very carefully and seriously.

id: 591893 - Text: Well it's like this. You can hang out, i'll take you to dinner, no sex involved. But when hand is open for cash, that's not free!
