58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 591903 - Text: She said all guys want is pussy pussy pussy 😢well at least that keep u employed so you didn't have to be homeless anymore 😂because I didn't hear her say not skill or good qualities she possess other being sexual😢 sad but true💯👍

id: 591942 - Text: When you accept money for giving a sexual service, it is prostitution. (PERIOD) 😐

id: 591976 - Text:  @zaydoe3587  She is stronger than f@!king Mt Everest tell that to people like Anna Nicole Smith Whitney Houston Amy whinehouse and Corey Feldman Corey Haim Dana Plato or the mass killer Nicholas Cruz many childhood abuse victims are very F’ed up having PTSD taking the pain trauma and shame through developmental years and to adulthood. Peach has no doubt buried many horrid memories of the abuse that would cause her more harm to remember. Many childhood abuse victims will either kill them selves and or abuse drugs and alcohol and or kill animals or and or kill other people. Peach will do well because she has strong desires to succeed and has a strong will to do well in this life with goals and plans to succeed. Even babies in the womb have stress symptoms from the stress hormones the mothers produce. Babies that are sexually or physically abused bodies remembers the abuse even if they have no conscious memories many develop chronic diseases. So yeah Peach will remember most of the shit she has gone through right now her love is blunted that is a defense mechanism and she can use her experience as painful as it is it to help others and build strength to not just survive but thrive in life like Oprah Winfrey Tyler Perry Jeanette McCurdy Paris Hilton etc☮️

id: 592011 - Text: Thank you for sharing your story! You seem really sweet and genuine, I’m a 30 year old girl and I connected a lot with things you said, especially at the end about trying to stay true to your own heart and stay kind no matter how people treat you. And fuck anyone (especially men) who use the word body count and make you feel bad, tbh I’ve only been with 4 different men in my life and I can honestly say ain’t no difference. I still left a lot of those times with them feeling like I had given something away, the number doesn’t mean anything. Our society just likes to frame sex as men getting something and women giving something (although if you think bout the body parts that don’t even make any sense) and for everyone they’re just life experiences with another human being. I hope you have or meet some people who are kind and gentle with you, as we all need 💕

id: 592073 - Text: If men didn’t sexualize you , you wouldn’t have any job weirdo 😷🤫🪑💯

id: 592127 - Text:  @thematriarchy2075  It is a lifestyle that begets death. The grip of quick money is too powerful. And she has been gifted great beauty. Therefore the power of beauty AND the money is a double whammy against her in her case. This way always leads to alcoholism and drugs which means eventual overdose. Plus all the men. There's a lot of men who want to own her as their own pet and are secretly bitter and outraged they can never have her or keep her. People in the sex industry go missing every day and it's treated as nothing. The #1 smartest move Peace can make is to get out of it today. Fill her time with looking for a real job somewhere else. And start the process of moving.

id: 592128 - Text:  @JesusChrist-Gives-Eternal-Life  So you completely disregard her being a person? A person who knows what's what and up? Don't patronize her. I know quite a few people who do sex work and they are all different personalities. Not one is on drugs, btw, and will kick your azz if you try something funny.

id: 592151 - Text: They accept what you do because they do not love you they just love having sex with you

id: 592177 - Text:  @Day-ZDuke  I understand but you regret what you have done in the past. You do not regret what you are actively doing. She is actively stripping and getting money for it and by the way she is speaking, if i can be brutally honest, I would say it's not far fetched to say she is probably getting paid for sex as well. There are other jobs you can get but it's not going to give her the money that she makes with stripping and doing what she does. Her real addiction is expensive materialistic things and this is likely due to her being homeless in the past. Money seems to be her new God. Stripping will always be a fallback plan for people like this because to live the lifestyle she needs to feel good, is not easy. You have to actually WORK for it. I am not throwing shade but put a male in her situation and that opportunity is not there. She is fortunate to be IMO gorgeous and have a good personality because she will always survive but it will also be her downfall because she will not have to crawl out of the hole she is in because of the money that good money is coming in. I hope she puts her efforts into something productive. She seems pretty comfortable in doing what she is doing and will be able to fill her void (always temporarily) with materialistic things until she comes to realize that her obsession with money is actually just a band aid over a wound that wont stop bleeding. I hope the best for her because she seems to be a good soul but it is going to be a tough obstacle to overcome until she realizes that shes sabotaging herself into a negative lifestyle over things that truly don't matter. MONEY is always the source of evil. Sorry for the rant but I feel for this girl and I wonder how things would have been different with a father around. Men in the same situation would likely resort to crime and she gets to resort to what might be worse because it's legal. Men at least might go to prison or jail and realize there are repurcussions for their actions before it's too late and rehabilitate themselves. Either ways good luck Girl and I hope you find what you're looking for in life.

id: 592188 - Text: I suggest she looks up the meaning of prostitution. She thinks that because she doesn't walk the streets she isn't one. SMH I don't get the mindset of sex workers. I haven't seen one yet who's very bright. I suppose, they're in that profession for a reason.
