31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 616266 - Text: I taught high school and it was rather interesting what I knew. When I started looking at students files I noticed there was a difference among those who had a particular fourth grade teacher. That teacher was tough and made a difference in her students. I know I helped my students to be a part of a what was deemed the top program in CA. I had studied at one of the top schools in the world in what I was teaching. By the third year of teaching I took a risk and developed a program that I felt would do well or fail. It was a huge success. It became the top program in CA and the state used it as the model. My classes were typically about 50% over full. I noticed some other things that were nice. Students began to have a serious change in attitude. They won the competitions. I expected them to come with a ready to work attitude of excellence. I graded them on several different areas such an employer would evaluate them. I saw some students get grades they had never gotten. Later when I taught college I saw the same thing. Typically I taught a semester course in 11 weeks and the students were required to do a real life project. They were to present their written and oral report to the class as though the class were the client. We had more employers coming to interview students than we had graduating seniors. If I had a personal conversation with the lady in that video I know what I would say and do to help her. I meet with young men each week to help them through life. They value my time. All of the men I meet with now have asked me to meet with them. I give them homework and have them read books. I help them to have good relationship with people and how to communicate well with their wives and children. They are usually a little surprised when I tell them they will have homework each week. It isn't long and I hear back from them how much our meetings help them. It is always the personal things I deal with. One man I meet with now you would not know him now if all you had known was the man he once was. At one time he was rather depressed and now what a difference! Since I was 18 I always met with an older man until just a few years ago. That was about 45 years of meetings each week. Young people need someone to come alongside of them each step through life.

id: 616295 - Text: i just opened youtube to play some music and to shearch a nice hoe on internet to f*8k, and youtube recomended this video wtf

id: 616307 - Text: this video broke my heart

id: 616360 - Text: This poor baby, she doesn't even look like she's 20 let alone 23 she's been in this life since she was 13 I just , I want to tell her she's worthy and beautiful inside and out. I wish I could help her. These videos always kill me. I can only watch them sporadically. These people matter. This young woman matters.

id: 616406 - Text: Am I the only one wondering what gives this guy and his team the authority and expertise to dig personally into people’s trauma? Are there trained professionals around to help them emotionally after these interviews? It’s clear that whoever makes these videos cares about people deeply, but seems really irresponsible and gross to take on interviews with people who’ve had extreme trauma unless there is a complete system of supports in place for them. Some of the questioning seems more exploitive than careful and thoughtful, which intentional or not should require a mental health professional and not a layman.

id: 616413 - Text: This shit is sad. I have no idea how this video popped up on suggested ones but wow, 20 minutes in and I hate the hand she’s been dealt in life. Despite a million roadblocks and disadvantages, she’s well spoken, she hasn’t given up, she knows she deserves better. I hope she finds her happiness, like true happiness.

id: 616437 - Text: If all the viewers of this video would of donated 1$ to her, that would of changed her life completely!

id: 616475 - Text:  @cipryan96  easy way??? did you watch the same video do you think having a pimp and sex work is easy stupid male

id: 616484 - Text: If any money was made with this video, she would need it more than a youtube channel.

id: 616571 - Text:  @cipryan96  she literally said she saw no loving relationship as a child btw like the prostitutes that choose to do it at an age where they are expected to know that’s wrong I agree but a kid? G watch the video next time like the whole video 🤡
