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id: 617594 - Text: This is a beautiful young girl, who never stood a chance; she’s been doing what she’s needed to survive. Her story is tragic, and yet, she goes on. She’s got a lot to offer. These videos break my heart, and the systemic injustice that brings every single person in these to the points where they are, infuriates me; especially since this is in the RICHEST country in the world, which has been defunding its safety nets for more than half a century. The system has failed them and the greed and corruption of both parties is directly responsible for people feeling they have no other options in life. I hope she finds her way out; for herself and for her children. I hope there are organizations in LA which can help her out. Now, with this exposure, I truly hope someone reaches out to her.

id: 617631 - Text: This broke my heart a million times. She is so strong and poised and it's so important for people to hear the stories of others so that we can have empathy for each other. Thank you Mark for making this video.

id: 617756 - Text:  @holmes426  Ehmm, I’ve been playing video games since a very young age. I basically grew up with the Dreamcast and game boy and when I got my very first iPad when I was 9, I tried communicating online and that’s how it slowly started progressing up till now x)

id: 617777 - Text:  @anniealexander9616  You should probably look around this channel for update videos before passing your judgements. 🤷‍♀️

id: 617780 - Text:  @a.ros12  I would say her foster family were doing God's work. The people who made this video, were showing that her life style was a choice. He asked her if she was addicted to the streets and she said yes. Because lots of people have tried to help her along the way. This video is just another form of being pimped. The creator is getting paid to entertain us! 😂😃😄

id: 617782 - Text:  @anniealexander9616  You clearly have no idea what's happened to this woman since this video, what her foster parents did or didn't do (unless you were one of them), what the creator of this channel does for these people after the video is made nor the impact of showing this hidden side of our society to the naive. Your opinion has every right to be aired but If you're not even going to bother looking for the update and just feel like demonizing her for kicks then feel free to continue this convo with someone who can relate bc that's not me.

id: 617785 - Text:  @a.ros12  My sister took in one foster for a little while. The child was a member of her husband's family. He joined the military, got married, has kids. He is living a productive life. His brother chose the same route as mom. Drugs like the woman in this video. I didn't hear the woman say that she was abused in foster care. What she said was she went to a juvenile detention center. She didn't say why but kids are required to go to school until age 16. I was 14 when I entered high school. So quitting in the begining of middle school would have got her in front of a judge. She is 23 years old in this video and talking about grooming her young female family members for this type of life. Since grandma has her kids, I'm guessing her grandma was one of her placements also. She knows her family too well to have been in care of strangers since she was 2 months old. I bet she went from grandma to juvy, then to a younger family who tried to get her on the right path. She quit school and ran away. It's funny how she has no support system but her family has her kids! 🤔 Grandma can take care of two babies in diapers but can't get her some clothes to put on and drive her to a job interview! 😂😃😄

id: 617787 - Text:  @a.ros12  People who don't have a low iq can spot inconsistencies in a liars story! It's not rocket science that allows me to assume her grandmother being foster mom to Her children means grandma was probably her foster mom also. This video conveniently leaves that info out! It leads us to believe she was with strangers but foster care looks for biological family. They are placed with family if that's at all possible. Children only go to strangers when there isn't any real family to take them. It's not difficult at all to put those pieces of the puzzle together. There is a greater chance that a grandmother would take a grandchild than a GReat grandmother taking great grandchildren. But this video also didn't say why she quit school and got sent to juvy. It also doesn't claim her foster mom/grandma abused her. Just like the woman in this video is grooming younger women in her family, she was probably groomed by a mom who would pop in time to she does to her own children. Not there to care for them but just there long enough to do harm to their sense of moral being! She did say her mom was just like her doing drugs and turning tricks.

id: 617806 - Text:  @a.ros12  Jesus, did u not watch the video??? She bounced around foster homes and juvenile hall, which was also a result of choices. And yes 13 is when ur teenage years start, hence my use of the term "young teen". She wound up with the dealer cause her friend introduced her. You need to watch the video again, while you're watching it think LOGICALLY about how many of the things she got in to were results of HER CHOICES!!!! She CHOSE to do those drugs. She CHOSE to stay with the dealer. SHE CHOSE to let him pimp her out. She CHOSE to get I trouble resulting in her juvenile hall stays. She still CHOOSES to keep hooking and doing drugs instead of getting help and getting a real job. She CHOOSES to leave her kids with their grandparents so she can keep doing these things. Now go watch the video again

id: 617837 - Text: Have you seen her 2nd video?Mark tried to help her.. Find it and check and see what she did!
