31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 617865 - Text: It can be overwhelming to think about, but there are more people in slavery/trafficked today than anytime in human history, particularly women & children. And most are used for sexual exploitation or free labor. Seeing videos like this keeps me up at night. As an empath, seeing even one woman or child in this scenario is devastating, let alone knowing millions are, and most who couldn’t make the choice for themselves. I pray for everyone in these precarious situations can find peace & safety. We are a cruel species and it’s a cold world out there.

id: 617882 - Text: I hope that the creator of these videos donates the proceeds or a portion of them to the people he interviews, this woman is putting herself at risk doing this, and you could argue she's doing it willingly etc- as she does in her daily life... but I hope she got compensated well, so she could help her kids. Also, these comments about how she could have been different if she were raised right blah blah. This situation is extremely unfortunate and out of her control and I hate reading about her "lost potential" because she is not lost. She is a whole human being just trying to get by like we all are, and she doesn't have to be a ballerina or whatever the fuck to be a valid person.

id: 617917 - Text: what a bunch of nonsense comments in this video! her problem is not having a family, her problem is her own values system. I have had a difficult brought up and did not do any shit. I worked and study hard to acheive a better life!!! we all can make our own decisions, it is lazy of people to blame everybody else, than take responsibility for their own decisions.

id: 617961 - Text: I wish it was a woman interviewing these videos… these women have a lot of trauma and I feel having a trauma informed woman would make the women getting interviewed feel safer

id: 617971 - Text: i think her inside eminates light. her wounds r displayed by rough ink covering a beautiful f a c e ! pain is subdued in the flesh by choice sometimes for more pain {enough wine} and pain ebbs lets do more of the same whatever! She is dear! Being forced sex is pain.To need to 'self sacrifice' for life sustaining welfare is an evil deal. Enslavement is f e a r .pimps enslave. Sex feels is good and is was for re-birthing,but not now dayzz. Sex is for release and pleasure. Sister was raped @ 12 gave birth @13 i always remember her infant name adopted, never saw her no clue to her i finish video .

id: 618005 - Text: Did you watch the video or did you just click on it to spew shit?

id: 618088 - Text: I hope she gets a lot of money because of this YouTube video. Help with her savings

id: 618112 - Text: Interesting interview. Many comments say things like how pretty she is or how intelligent and well spoken she is. ?🤨? She speaks as if she hasn’t been educated and this young woman is 23 years old and the psychological and physical condition of this lifestyle is already starting to show. If she survives 10 more years doing this, she will really be showing signs of this lifestyle. Since she started at 13 years of age, her emotional and psychological capacity has been stunted to not recognize how she can make changes in her life. She had children in the mist of this lifestyle is another problem the world will have to deal with. Those children are going to need all the help they can to not repeat such dangerous behaviors or destructive lifestyles. Drug use and selling your body and soul is not signs of someone who is together in any shape or form. Tears do fall, but because of a childish rebellious decision she made that she’s now choosing to stay in. It’s disturbing to see how parenting cycles keep repeating themselves to the next generation. I understand that many watching this video feel for her. But there are many like her in worse situations continuing in ignorance and will not change. It starts with someone breaking the cycle.

id: 618150 - Text: These are amazing videos but I just wish the interviewer was more empathetic/sensitive, it often sounds like interrogation. She’s being so brave and vulnerable and every reply he has is so blunt I don’t get it

id: 618158 - Text: It's her painful story she share and I could feel it in her interview.... this video made me sad for her and I'm pretty depressed when I think about her mother how she brought her up in this life. Her body is like not a skin but like a sketch board that gives me dark chills in my head, very hard lifestyle she lives. Regards #Ashishchandrana
