31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 618817 - Text: WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP THIS YOUNG LADY??? I get it, with the interviews. But watch the video and move on with our lives?

id: 618906 - Text: Very insightful comments from her experiences. I enjoy your videos. Thanks.šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡³šŸ‡æ

id: 618929 - Text: This is so sad. WOW, 13!?! and this is in America? Something is truly wrong with US if this is the norm, or can happen regularly. I worked in SF 10 years ago and would park my boss' 1/2 million dollar car next to people living the street. Seeing them every day changed me for the worst (cynically) and after watching this video - I feel that same way.

id: 618985 - Text: Ā @JamesSmith-ou9sdĀ  she's not just having sex, she's literally putting her life at risk each time she gets out there. did you even watch the video?

id: 618991 - Text: Meanwhile we are bringing a couple of million children here with no foster homes for the current children we already have in the system and children are being murdered constantly already here this is so horrible I hope that are you blue check marks all you social media people all you news people all you humans start to talk about this and start to show videos of these things show videos of these YouTubers these YouTubers are out here doing work that journalists should be doing this should be on television every single day until people in these counties understand that we can hold the people who are in control of money and housing more accountable to take care of the children the system adult into recovery and be kept somewhere safe and have the right things in order for them to start a life

id: 619159 - Text: I immediately zoned in on her poise and grace just based upon the thumbnail. After the video started it is abundantly clear this gal is naturally a "lady". She may be a prostitute to make her does not define her though. No more than a plumber's character is defined by their work. She presents her as a Lady (tattoos and all), therefore she IS A TRUE LADY. After listening to her, the tattoos seem to disappear leaving HER TRUE INNER BEAUTY.

id: 619191 - Text: Ā @katie8325Ā  Look whose judging the judge! You donā€™t know what level of empathy I have based on a YouTube video comment! Geeze! I have empathy for her babies! I do make judgements too because thatā€™s what we do! Not just teachers but humans! Believe it not this woman makes judgements too ie this batch isnā€™t laced with fentanyl, heā€ll make a good pimp, my kids are better off without me!

id: 619201 - Text: Charles d'Artois May I ask why you watch these videos when you've such a phenomenal problem with sex work? Does it help you to feel better about your own problems, or do you think you're somehow going to stamp it out? I ask that with respect, because the level of vitriol you're displaying usually sets off warnings... I do hope you find a more positive hobby.

id: 619206 - Text: Charles d'Artois I think its telling that you're able to sit on your high horse and judge her. She did what she had to do to survive the world she lives in. Don't pretend like we all live in the same world with the same opportunity and kindness. We dont. She clearly grew up in a pretty awful environment and I can't imagine the horrors she's seen and experienced. She became a victim of the dark underbelly of society at age two months do you honestly believe its all her fault and hers only? Like.... Imagine having someone's name tattooed on your jaw because you are their property. You are right that people are responsible for themselves. So its a shame you put her down for being a sex worker when this video is about how she would love nothing more than to walk out of that life. Sounds responsible to me. You sound like the type of person to make fun of a fat person at a gym. Smh.

id: 619207 - Text: Charles d'Artois Its interesting to me that you're seeing this thru a black and white lens of "good and evil". And that you somehow think you're righteous enough to judge that. Situations like this aren't cut and dry. We're born with a clean slate. The things we do and the things people do to us will shape us. She was given up at 2 months old. I can't imagine that she grew up with great influences and the opportunities to learn healthy coping skills. I can't imagine she knew what unconditional love felt like during her childhood. If she was allowed to not continue middle school that tells you something about whoever was taking care of her at he time. People don't sell themselves and do drugs for the hell of it. You can tell she carries a LOT of trauma and guilt with her. I'm sure she's done bad things that have hurt other people. Her children obviously deserve better and it seems like thats a motive for her to try to recover. I really don't think she's like the addicts you're talking about. Wait until her update video to see how she's doing, at least. Give her a chance and wish her some luck.
