31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 619214 - Text: Charles d'Artois did u watch the video?

id: 619219 - Text: Charles d'Artois i'm sure she isn't a big fan of it either. She grew up in the system and the male role models in her life (from a child of 13) were men who beat her up, forced her into sex work then took all her money that you think she would be spending. Take a step back and think about how this girl ended up in this life, opposed to a girl who grew up with a good family in a stable home, maybe they pay for her to go to college. That girl at 13 was eating pizza and watching movies with her family. The girl in the video was getting abused and manipulated by a pimp. She seems to be a product of her environment and hopefully can turn her life around so she doesn't end up like her mom.

id: 619242 - Text: She should get a percentage of the monetization of this video.

id: 619318 - Text: My heart hurts watching these videos 😔 😥 😞 .

id: 619399 - Text: Breaks my heart to hear this beautifull soul have to sell her body for this life style.U are a strong women and i send prayers out to u.Your babies need u,Pray your childrens dont see this video.GOD BLESS U ALWAYS.I have 8 childrens and i will never let my childrens go through what u went through.please u are so valued.

id: 619444 - Text: The video has just showed up. I didn't expect I'll watch it till the end. I really sorry for her, because she is pretty, honest, vulnerable. I hope nobody will exploit her anymore, and I really hope she 's gonna find the true love in life...

id: 619469 - Text: 1) It’s clear that mandatory rehabilitation programs should be instituted for people in these situations. This is a health and public safety issue, and people in this situation have a definitive set of health/ mental health issues that need to be addressed. 2) The video describes human trafficking. Plain and simple. This entire criminal subculture has massive negative repercussions for the rest of society, and the resulting criminal behavior puts the wider public at risk. Literally every day of the year there are crimes committed in major cities by individuals (in some way) affected by the subculture portrayed in the video. 3) A first world developed society shouldn’t have these issues as a pervasive issue. Instead of the $100 billion+ in taxpayer dollars going towards corporate welfare (subsidies and tax breaks for companies that eventually mostly benefit the wealthy individuals with multimillion dollar stakes in each company), taxpayer dollars should be instead dedicated to fixing the healthcare system and preventing criminal activity.

id: 619474 - Text: i wonder how lucrative this channel is. mark makes these videos- content that can only be created due to the interviewee’s willingness to share the darkest aspects of their difficult lives- yet we don’t see much given back to these people. he doesn’t set up programs/non profits/anything for these people to receive help despite his first hand knowledge of what they would probably need most to exit their situations. idk, besides amanda and maybe the appalachian family how has he helped? with all the reach mark has, all the views he gets from other peoples stories, how has he helped them? genuinely asking. because otherwise it’s just exploiting people who are already getting beaten and battered by society which idk if i wanna support anymore.. note: obviously not everyone can be ‘saved’. however a lot of them just want assistance so they can save themselves.

id: 619569 - Text: These videos are something else man, you deserve way more attention.

id: 619573 - Text: Some of you need to stop making this about you, or comparing your selves to her.. This video is only about this girl's life. Hope for the best for her, that she finds a way out of the kind of life she lives.
