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id: 593195 - Text:  @aaditkhan728  We will definitely have to disagree on that. Brothels only formalize the degrading lives of these women in a specific setting. It does not help them or lift them out of this terrible way of life. Most of these women are victims of sex and other abuse, as well as drugs, before they even get to these brothels. We should not encourage people to sell their bodies and most intimate practices for money or another other transaction. It is morally wrong.

id: 593196 - Text:  @mehitablestorm8877  so technically there should not be any sex workers is what you're saying.

id: 593197 - Text:  @aaditkhan728  Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Sex work is inherently degrading both to people who do it - well, particularly to people who do it, and to those who use it, who treat these people like tissues. The whole thing is just really sad and should not exist in an evolved society.

id: 593199 - Text:  @mehitablestorm8877  well that I strongly have to disagree with,you see,it there were no sex workers,there would be a lot more rape cases,lot more harassment cases,a lot more abusive incidents,etc and what makes you think that's society has evolved greatly,if anything it's a evolved more badly so idk what you're talking about and I strongly disagree.

id: 593201 - Text:  @maryannlupus2187  Well...yes, you do seem to be. That's not surprising considering how badly educated so many college grads actually are - including the ones with advanced degrees. I'm not trying to insult you, but you seem to have an exalted opinion of yourself that is not justified. You don't seem to understand that 1. The concept of sin and behavior which is either forbidden or frowned upon exists in virtually all religion - not just Christianity, which is what you focus on because you are NEGATIVE about Christianity. You find it perhaps too restrictive. Maybe it is for you. But Christianity takes its moral code from JUDAISM. And those have a lot in common with Islam which borrows heavily from both. So those are 2 other religions which have basically the same moral codes especially the 10 Commandment aspect. 2. What is considered to be SIN is not just something the priests of a particular religion didn't personally like or find objectionable, nor did they hear the voice of God telling them each thing. SINS are the religiously codified taboos to prevent people from doing things that a community or nation of people, usually over generations, have found to be harmful to individuals, families or society as a whole. The results of these behaviors - theft, lying, murder, adultery (or sexual promiscuity) have been found repeatedly by those communities to have negative, somes very destructive, effects. THAT IS WHY THEY WERE CLASSED AS SINS. Because of their ACTUAL EFFECT on actual people. It's not simply about being puritanical or restrictive or biased - it's about the observed effect of behaviors over time. In our permissive, lazy, selfish, self-indulgent society, we don't really care much about oh....the effects of our actions on family, or community or society....we just wanna do what we wanna do. The problem is...that DOES have effects and we see it in how screwed up the world is today. It's not because the world is not permissive's because it's TOO permissive and people are not regarding the effects of their actions on others. They are commited to SIN. You have it backwards.

id: 593202 - Text:  @maryannlupus2187  Well...yes, you do seem to be. That's not surprising considering how badly educated so many college grads actually are - including the ones with advanced degrees. I'm not trying to insult you, but you seem to have an exalted opinion of yourself that is not justified. You don't seem to understand that 1. The concept of sin and behavior which is either forbidden or frowned upon exists in virtually all religion - not just Christianity, which is what you focus on because you are NEGATIVE about Christianity. You find it perhaps too restrictive. Maybe it is for you. But Christianity takes its moral code from JUDAISM. And those have a lot in common with Islam which borrows heavily from both. So those are 2 other religions which have basically the same moral codes especially the 10 Commandment aspect. 2. What is considered to be SIN is not just something the priests of a particular religion didn't personally like or find objectionable, nor did they hear the voice of God telling them each thing. SINS are the religiously codified taboos to prevent people from doing things that a community or nation of people, usually over generations, have found to be harmful to individuals, families or society as a whole. The results of these behaviors - theft, lying, murder, adultery (or sexual promiscuity) have been found repeatedly by those communities to have negative, somes very destructive, effects. THAT IS WHY THEY WERE CLASSED AS SINS. Because of their ACTUAL EFFECT on actual people. It's not simply about being puritanical or restrictive or biased - it's about the observed effect of behaviors over time. In our permissive, lazy, selfish, self-indulgent society, we don't really care much about oh....the effects of our actions on family, or community or society....we just wanna do what we wanna do. The problem is...that DOES have effects and we see it in how screwed up the world is today. It's not because the world is not permissive's because it's TOO permissive and people are not regarding the effects of their actions on others. They are commited to SIN. You have it backwards.

id: 593219 - Text:  @dannig1879  There is no way to make sex work "safe" or anything less than degrading. It is what it is. Full of broken, drug addicted, sexually abused people doing degrading things to each other and making our society even sicker and more violent than it is. There are plenty of accounts from ex porn workers and prostitutes who talk about how miserable their lives were doing this and there's no way to make it "safe" because the abuse and degradation is BUILT INTO this kind of activity. Increasingly porn is becoming more violent and involving more extreme activities such as sexual assault that are harmful to the participants and to the viewers.

id: 593220 - Text:  @mehitablestorm8877  there’s no way to make anything 100% safe BUT places like the ranch are much safer than them being on the streets or having people come to their home or hotel room. It’s not going to go away and if it were made illegal things would be much worse. At the end of the day they’re going to do it regardless and by making it harder it’s only going to put them in more danger. As for the drugs, brokenness, and sexually they choose to not deal with the issues they have. Sometimes people don’t want to face their demons and nothing anyone else does will change that. They have to want better for themselves before anything anyone does truly touches them. You can’t help anyone if they’re not willing to help themselves.

id: 593239 - Text: In my country prostitution is legal. Police have historically viewed prostitution as a low priority concern anyway. Brothels come under the country's industrial health care regulations. Sex workers have their own trade union, The Prostitutes Collective. Street hustling is very rare and a number operate out of high rise city apartments and suburban locations. I once hired on as a driver with a six crib cathouse in town. My job was to drive the ladies to and from out all bookings. The hours were long and draining with little rest and a lack of sleep especially during busy holiday periods made worse by developing colon cancer I had begun to develop before I started work there at, The Kensington.

id: 593241 - Text: ⁠​⁠ @darkreaper4990  I would suggest taking a look at the New Zealand Model instead of looking at legalisation. New Zealand decriminalised prostitution 20 years ago . There was not an increase in trafficking and there hasn’t been an increase in consensual prostitution either. Workers are safer, can work in groups or alone , can report crimes against at sex workers, run work as a sole trader or registered business and pay tax etc In my 25 years in the industry the only pimps I have met are brothel owners.
