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id: 593249 - Text:  @Jordanm218  this is just an ignorant judgemental opinion . Having sex with different people does not make one unworthy of dignity. But have your opinion I personally don’t feel any need to change your mind but perhaps take a look at your own behaviour towards others and consider whether that has any dignity.

id: 593273 - Text: Queer community= open minded and equally loving .. Would you be interested in interviewing a queer couple who have a podcast for the sex industry/sex workers? Located in central Cali.

id: 593284 - Text: Legalise these places to keep sex workers safe

id: 593285 - Text: As a man, I’ve honestly never paid for sex, but many divorced friends say it’s cheaper and less miserable than dating and ending up in an unhappy relationship. I’ve been single for three years and don’t know if I’ll ever be in another relationship. Partners that expect their bills paid and lies, I’d rather be single

id: 593305 - Text:  @fattyboombatty2000  It's not called the Oldest Profession for nothing. I think it's crazy that the brothel takes 70/80% of what they earn and yes, no girl grows up dreaming of being a sex worker. Yet I live in Australia where brothels are legal across the entire country. It's much safer for the sex workers and their clients. It's always going to exist so why not have it be as safe as possible? I just think the split in the US is greedy. Here in Australia apparently it's usually 50/50.

id: 593307 - Text:  @fattyboombatty2000  I understand your sentiment yet also think it's about supply and demand. If men weren't willing to pay then women wouldn't sell their bodies. It's a bit of what came first, the chicken or the egg? We still have street prostitution here too as they're cheaper and often the workers are willing to work with no condoms etc as they just want the cash to buy drugs as they have addiction issues. That's a whole other issue though. These people take drugs to numb trauma and probably find it easier to be with strangers if they're not sober. I think a lot of them work through online bookings now to avoid the police. I really don't know what the answer is. Not everyone is bought up with parents who provide love, safety, self worth and education. And some have all that and still choose sex work. Look at the variety of clients they have, apparently the vast majority are married men.

id: 593309 - Text:  @fattyboombatty2000  I think it has to start from a young age with not letting vulnerable kids fall through the cracks and teaching respect, self esteem and education so more choices are available for men and women alike. I'm not sure what to do about men who use the services of sex workers, especially the ones who go home to their wives and children. Anyway, it's always good to hear another opinion rather than stay in an echo chamber. I wonder if you asked the men you know if they've ever paid for sex how many would be honest with you? There's an incredible book written by Kate Holden called 'In my Skin' a memoir. She's now an acclaimed journalist here in Australia. It's a tough gritty read but gave me a very different insight to the industry of both street and brothel work here in Melbourne, Australia. Give it a read. She's from a privileged background and is an academic who lost her way for a few years. It's an eye opener. I'm sure you can get it online. Cheers for the chat.

id: 593313 - Text: Daddy Tara is one of the nice pimps. Still a bullsh*t situation of trafficking. safER than the streets but not safe. Frequent STI testing, why? Because it’s a high risk environment full of people who don’t respect these women as human beings. And testing only reveals what’s already been passed on, doesn’t prevent STI from being passed initially. Condoms protect only the shaft of the P and the V. If a man has herpes on his scrotum or the woman has herpes on her mound, those areas are not protected. Why are there emergency buttons in every room? Because there’s a high risk of violence in that industry. Various studies have found that prostitutes have a history of childhood sexual assault from 50 to 75% and nearly all some kind of emotional or other physical abuse. I don’t fault the girls with seeking this kind of employment. What I hate is that historically and globally, women have been subjugated and unvalued as anything more than tools for men. Until we teach men how to be respectful and honor women, this will continue to be an industry in which women are at risk. Legalizing prostitution just change who the pimps are. We must teach our children that violence is despicable, that males and females are to be respected equally, and that males and females are equally valuable in our cultures.

id: 593314 - Text: Loves them? Bro are you serious lol they've all been damaged through sexual abuse and never got help, then whored themselves out when they could just get a job at a grocery store or a bank. They're slowly selling off what little of themselves remains. And she is helping them do it. "Love". Grow up.

id: 593336 - Text: theres no chance prostitution is actually the world's oldest profession. That's a PsyOp if I've ever heard one. You think people were paying for sex before paying for food? I guarantee farming, hunting, shepherding, even priesthood came before prostitution. I'll bet the first woman that "sold" sex was trading it for protection from a big strong man. So why isn't bodyguarding actually the world's oldest profession? Didn't the man provide his service of protecting the woman before he ever got in those sweet cushy walls? It's all a big farce to make girls think sex work is cool. It's not.
