31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 620563 - Text: People waste so much time arguing and bickering on YouTube video’s as if it changes anything. Get a hobby or something.

id: 620585 - Text:  @theshanamaster  imagine watching a video about a woman being forced into selling her body and growing up with druggie criminal parents, and yet all you can think about is how “hard feminists make it for men”. Boo fucking hoo lol

id: 620588 - Text:  @theshanamaster  you sound exactly like my incel grandfather with these replies of yours it's actually so funny (and sad.) Also, I am really bored so I'd like to say a few things if you don't mind. You said in your first comment "WE NEED OUR PARENTS TO RAISE US " (direct quote) you also stated that this is the reason why people like the woman in this video end up with a hard life like her respectively. You also stated that "CDC had a report that majority of homeless women and stuff like that are the results of fatherless homes. " so in other words what I think you were saying is that majority of people in situations like the woman in the video result from them growing up in environments without fathers, am I correct? However, you did state that "its crappy mothers who think they don't need a man to raise a child without help," this implies that you think that the reason that many homes are not present with a father, which causes issues for the child, is that the mothers or woman present in the house are taking on the 'feminist ideal' of not needing a man to succeed. Therefore that is why so many household environments are only present with one parent, which as you stated before is not a good thing for raising a child. Although this situation may occur sometimes, all of the stories I have heard, whether from the news, videos like these or even from many people I know personally have stated that the fathers were abusive or simply did not want to be present in the child's life, not because the feminist mother kicked them out because she discovered she did not need a man to help her raise a child. Therefore I think it is not exactly fair to state that feminists are making it harder for men to raise children and are the reason why so many children from single-parent households have difficult situations. Thank you for reading and yes I am aware of the fact that you might be a troll and simply do not care to read and acknowledge these replies with an open mind but you know what, it felt really good to type out this reply, have a nice day.

id: 620602 - Text: Some people arent that good with communication especially with someone they just met. If you watch his other videos thats just how he talks.

id: 620612 - Text: What a sad,sad story.she never even got a chance from day one. Physically she's beautiful but after watching this video her heart is so so so amazing.

id: 620731 - Text: Serious question. Wouldn't the porn industry be better than working the streets? Massive reduction in danger. Much safer environments. Better money. Friendlier people (in most cases). What makes people decide to work the streets as opposed to doing porn? I can think that being camera shy would account for a lot. Or your family/friends seeing your videos. But if you got past that, it'd prob be a better path to take, right? This was a great video though. Really feel for her and her situation. Starting in this industry at 13 years old is unfair. No one should have to go through that. She's gorgeous and seems to have a great personality. Hope she can get out one day soon. A great girl in a really unfortunate situation.

id: 620846 - Text: 'What examples of a loving relationship did you see growing up..' good question. Here's (I think), another- 'what does the collective (ie, those who watch these videos wanting to learn and help), think the most legit ways to lift up/out, those this channel profiles'? If choose to weigh in, please be more specific than 'education', 'rehab', or 'housing'. What efficient, doable, first steps towards a way out (for those seeking such), would 'you' propose? I've plenty of my own ideas, but interested in hearing from others....

id: 620859 - Text: if you have kids please take good care of them, if you have a good life look up and tell the big almighty thanks, seeing this video made me thank god for the good life im living

id: 620887 - Text: I don't know how many of these videos I can watch. Such brokenness and hurt. My heart breaks for these people. I hope and pray they find healing and peace in this life.

id: 620900 - Text: Hate to say this but most western women somewhat idolize prostitute's today. So many seek to not have fathers around them, to have constant casual hookups to dude that "buy them stuff" and can not make a good connection. Its only going to get worse and this video will be more common place in the coming era of women.
