31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 622099 - Text: Edited comment: 1. Asriah is beautiful, tattoos or not. Her soul essence shines so brightly here, why else are 7 M people drawn to her? Makeup and photoshop does wonders, tattoos are not a problem these days. 2. Re modeling - Yes the modeling industry is problematic, but objectively less dangerous than sex work on the street. Asriah would have millions of followers if she made an Instagram account. She could work with any photographer and get brand deals. If she decides to focus on herself, her children and getting healthy. If even one percent of the people who watched this video went and followed her (if she had a YouTube, FB, or Insta account) that is 700,000 people. Come on now! 3. Asriah, I saw the Jan 2022 update. I’m still rooting for you girl 💜 Please get healthy for yourself and your kids. A real man would be uplifting you, supporting and guiding you. Not trying to drain your resources. You are better and you can find healing ❤️‍🩹 You only have one life 💚 People out here are still in your corner. Praying for you to come out of this 💪 Can we get this girl a modeling contract or support her somehow? Praying for her to get out, to get healthy and to find a path to peace and a career to support her children 💗 🙏

id: 622286 - Text: Dorian Phoenix also I posted one ASMR video. I don’t do this for a living it was just something I was trying out, don’t know what you’re trying to imply but I’m sure it’s not anything nice

id: 622333 - Text:  @sharkbait101lives  mate that's exactly what happened. Did you see the third video?

id: 622474 - Text: I'd like to know if these girls are offered any help in exchange for baring their soul infront of the camera. She clearly wants a better life. Using them to create a video for the world to watch and enjoy before sending them back out to the streets is victimizing them all over again. I just really hope some form of help or support was at the very least offered.

id: 622539 - Text: Bro, I'm still waiting to see a married man on your video who has kids and with the same wife holding it down. Strippers, pimps and gangsters gave up. Husband takes abuse from their wife, works and brings home the bacon and sacrifices his activities and hobbies to make his fam happy. That's the most gangster thing a man can do. To all the married men with kids, keep holding it down. The struggle is real.

id: 622594 - Text: This video hurt me. A lifetime of misery. Life isn't fair.

id: 622783 - Text:  @nebulanigrimleonis3883  You are so out of touch if you believe that's true. The woman in this video is a perfect example. She was 13 years old when she was forced into prostitution. Let me guess, if it had been you, you would have beat up the pimp and gotten your life on track? As if it were that easy. Anyone that thinks it's as easy as just "wanting it" has never truly struggled in life.

id: 622823 - Text:  @jtotherog  She did. Did you watch the whole video?

id: 622842 - Text:  @mech0p  did you even watch the video? Jesus. You think this lady doesn't have a work ethic? Do the maths. 10 years, 7 days, $2000 a day, $40 a time... Tell me how you'd work harder?

id: 622882 - Text: She’s young, she could still be a successful business woman if she wants and she’s kind of a celebrity - this video has over 4 million views.
