58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 595247 - Text: You don't pay a prostitute for sex, you pay for her to leave afterward.

id: 595264 - Text: First time young dudes don't have a clue what to expect.. I went to one in 1984 and it was only 40.00 bucks.. She got on top of me & rode me like a horse & she had the most perfect boobs id ever seen & she said to me you can touch them sweetie if you want too and I felt like heaven just opened up for me.. I thought about sex non stop for 12 hours before getting there as I was driving across country but she got me off in less then a couple Min... I was done really quick & she wanted more money if I would want more.. we went to the bar & had a drink and I heard a bell ring & asked her what that was and she told me it was our timer... I paid for an hour with her but was only in her room for about maybe 10 Min at the most... It was also the first time a female took charge of me and rode me... missionary was all Id ever done or even knew about... I didn't know girls did other positions

id: 595272 - Text: How can you cheat if your Not married? Ok then, most men would not enter into any committed relationships if they could get sex with hot women when and where they wanted it. Not cheating.

id: 595277 - Text:  @shawbrothersgirl2740  is not false, the doctors are feminist and have the actual descriptions of their cases but Of course when the truth doesn't fit your views you would call it false. But if it's against men then is true. That's such a sexist point of view, women don't like getting called on their BS. But will call out men. Is that really the way it is? Come on let's be grown ups. Else we wont fix anything. Sad really

id: 595287 - Text: Guilty conscience have we? I mean I could tell you about all the universities and their research, I could tell you about NBC CBS and all the network that has covered this and found that I AM RIGHT, but I'm not gonna go that route, HOW ABOUT THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS SINCE WE WERE LITTLE THAT MEN HAS STRONGER SEXUAL URGES AND LESS SELF CONTROL MORE THAN WOMEN AND SO THEREFORE THEY ARE MORE LIKELY TO CHEAT. When a woman throws pussy in a guys face, now come on #stopthebullshyt you know what happens next. I mean this is just simple fu**ing common sense

id: 595305 - Text: Men cannot control themselves sexually! Thats why there are hookers and why rapes occur!

id: 595349 - Text: Jeez, I like sex as much (more) as the next guy, but I never paid even ten bucks for.... ah.... well, never mind... now let's hear the story of why you left!

id: 595370 - Text: They also say you don't pay a prostitute to have sex. You pay her to go away after the sex.

id: 595377 - Text: Well, my hat's off to anyone who can keep all those financial balls in the air, negotiation-wise. I can barely count back change. Re the business itself, imho the whole sex-for-money thing being illegal is the male-dominated world's way of staying on top, so to speak. Can you imagine how the tables would turn if men had to ante-up for sex? xxoo

id: 595381 - Text:  @cherylcoyote  men already do pay for sex. Men still expected to pay for dates and wives spend 80% of household income.
