31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 623817 - Text:  @Freya1412  I'm happy to report I've never spent a single dime on any of the thousands of sexwork videos I've enjoyed over the last couple decades. Who's dumb now

id: 623838 - Text: she’s obviously uneducated,butI don’t think she’s necessarily stiupid .she’s awfully cute.My youngest daughter ,had an 11 year.old friend In elementary school who was screwing her 13 year old.boyfriend.She ended up in a strip club at 19,but now she’s working in a convenience store.I hope this gal gets all her issues worked out.Oh,and thank you for the video.

id: 623968 - Text: Soft White Underbelly is an amazing format which has since the beginning stood out in terms of the interviewer's interviewing quality. I feel like in this video the interviewer seems impatient and does not leave as much room for unguided answers. Please go back, tone it down a notch, remain glorious and keep filmin'! I love you Soft White!

id: 623986 - Text:  @godislove4604  do what ever you want. I haven’t seen all the pimp interview videos. The ones I have watched are kind of hard to watch, they are obviously not helping women. But Marc is the one that conducts the interviews. And if he says some pimps help prostitutes, I just want to be pointed in the direction of one of those videos.

id: 623992 - Text: if you're reading this girl in the video, you. are. worthy.

id: 624010 - Text: This was the first video I watched, and it has to be the saddest. Lots people are born without a chance. It’s not an even playing field out there. It’s hard for a lot of people to have a normal life, and it makes me so sad.

id: 624015 - Text: I’ve never considered getting into the lifestyle, but didn’t realize how negative it could be. From this video I can tell she just wants love like everyone else. She is trying to get out for her kids, but like drugs it’s hard to stop. Especially when you need money to provide for yourself and them. I would take her and her kids in a heartbeat. I could help her find better ways of getting money. Some people, if you explain your situation, will try to understand and help best they can.

id: 624125 - Text: How in the world did I get here 🤔..was watching videos about Greek life on college campus and now I'm watching a video about a hooker telling her story 🤔🤣🤔

id: 624141 - Text: I hope the money u make from this video some of it goes to her!! Please help her out

id: 624150 - Text:  @ronaldgmaster5782  how can someone want to get beaten up by pimps thats just sick. Obviously she would want the money who wouldn't? But come on man. You clearly haven't watched the whole video.
