58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 595413 - Text: Mostly that would be a 'bj' or a 'half and half': half bj/half sex. seriously.

id: 595414 - Text: What is "half sex"??? LOL..

id: 595488 - Text: It's hard for me to believe a beautiful young Woman like this is stuck out in the Streets and Sexually selling her Body, it Definitely makes me Sad everytime I watch one of her interviews..I probably feel more Sad than she does. If only she knew how many men Old and Young would give her the World (including Myself) to the Point that she would never have to Sell her Body ever again, but I've seen a Thousand Girls like this they want to Hoe on the Streets and use Drugs but when they wake up sometimes it's Too Late.

id: 595561 - Text: She's having sex for drugs at 7 months pregnant. Do better girl

id: 595812 - Text: Ivy is not a Prize, but can be perceived as a Blessing. Ivy's Perspective is that She is higher Value than Individuals with a Penis, but the Perspective of Value is exclusively Personal: the Reason Ivy does What Ivy does is because Ivy is perceived as Cheap, and not necessarily from the Perspective of Inexpensive: the Reason that most Transgender, and Males perceived as Homosexual, usually are not Homeless, Unemployed, residing Outdoors, and Unlawful Prostitutes. 😶.

id: 595999 - Text: Hello, I really hope you see this. Check out "allqueensgotskills" on instagram. The page is run by an ex sex worker and meth addict. She now does counselling and is actually certified. She's awesome and based in the L.A area.

id: 596017 - Text: She so dam sexy tag her 😍😍😍😍

id: 596055 - Text:  @goddesslafwa7704  I fostered children for 8 years and if you maybe had some education you would have a better understanding of what I am saying. Just because I am not going down a drug addict pitty trip doesn't mean I am a miserable person. I am far from being miserable and unhappy in my life. I took care and gave my love too many children from addicted parents. When a mother and father have drug and alcohol addictions that is passed on to the unborn child. Many of them become addicts themselves from the genetics of the parents. The reason kids are in foster care is not because the parents are wonderful human beings. The majority of children is no1 sexual abuse in the home and when a drug addict have kids the kids are exposed to this horrible life style that no child should have to endure. But unfortunately this is life for many. I am giving you information that I know is truth because I fostered kids and had to take training and we as foster parents need to know what to look for with children because when they come to you they are damaged goods. If I was a miserable person I wouldn't open my door and my heart to kids I don't even know. Kids keep in touch with me because I am a ugly horrible, and miserable person. I have done more in my life for family and friends and a support system for drug addicted parents whose children were in my care. I have probably helped more people in my life time than you will ever do in your life. I have fed many people who had no groceries in the home to feed their kids. Yesterday I deposited $7000.00 to help my neice out. It is the only money I had. Now I will have to live on $567 until her court case is settled. Never judge a book by it's cover as they say. I am a very stable person, a Chistian for 40 years. You are the one with a problem. Don't attack me because I spoke the educated truth about someone. It is true, I feel sorry for the unborn child inside this woman. The child is not even born yet and all the odds of this child having a normal life is against the baby. I know this because when I fostered kids I did it for a Reserve and kids are mentally disabled just from severe alcohoIism. I began to have an understanding of the issues. It is very sad, and even people from the reserve who don't have addictions see it. Do you know how many kids could be normal if there was no drugs and booze in their systems. In closing I wish you sobriety and all the best in times a head of you. I will keep you in my heart and pray for you to get well.

id: 596294 - Text: Unprotected sex leads to pregnancy. Why can't people figure this out? Mess up your own life but quit punishing these children that are destined to a life of being in social services, drug addict absent parents, ect.....

id: 596308 - Text: A lot of women grow up without fathers and was never taught how a man should treat them. Young women can be easy to manipulate because they never had a loving relationship with a man. This young woman is beautiful and I believe she will do better. Girl you have got to change your mindset. Instead of saying you don't want people thinking you are better than them not doing drugs but you are better than the drugs. You have to start thinking that you are better to believe you will do better and then you will. Edit: I mean the lack of a healthy relationship. Single parents can be successful and so can other types of healthy relationships like same-sex relationships. Do Not Come For Me Again. Smh
