58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 596888 - Text: Thank you for humanizing sex workers. A deep bow to them and you. 🙏

id: 597009 - Text: girls so ingorant it hurts. i have sex with about 20 to 30 people a day and i get mad because people judge me.... wellll i wonder why. stop doing that and dont get judged..... sex does matter to people. dont talk about it move on get a job yes make less but then find somene you can work together with grow with and love and then you cant bitch because you dont have to suck 30 dicks a night. now you just work normall have everything you have there too except use ur brain a bit and less drugs probably less money too. she probably makes like 2.5k a night but ten gives the pimp 1k... maybe 1.5k and he has a job too or something because yall need legal money to live...

id: 597081 - Text: Its interesting. You would think that its men that "cant get laid" that go to hookers but its mostly imotionally disturbet men in bad relationships. I, for example, am a 35 year old man who have never had sex, still i would rather die a virgin than go to a prostitute. Thats just not how you treat fellow humans.

id: 597091 - Text: There is no “working as a prostitute” under the age of 18. There is no such thing as a child prostitute. This is child sex trafficking!! This young lady was trafficked and the “pimps” are traffickers. Please educate yourself.

id: 597104 - Text: Truly attractive girl, beautiful and sexy. But, morally, I think she is lost forever. The drugs have made her heart cold as ice. Meth destroys compassion. Sad to see a truly attractive girl like this getting destroyed by life's hardships.

id: 597131 - Text: I've been in the streets and i just got out..I HATE sex now I messed myself up..I see it as just a way to makes money there no connection or love for me.. Legal money is not enough when you see the kind of money you can make.. working helped me come out of homelessness but I never had a pimp just wak ass bf I would support cuz we were both strung out on heroin i wanna share my sorry but don't know how

id: 597169 - Text: I am a survivor of domestic minor sex trafficking abduction severe child abuse and CSAM(child abuse materials) I was abused before I could even walk or talk. I have worked in the anti-trafficking movement for over a decade. I train LE and others on trafficking and CSAM. I have worked with over 400 victims and developed sustainable treatment options for victims of trafficking. I now take in minors that have been trafficked. in my state, we have 4 safe homes for victims that are 18 and over. however, there were no safe homes for minors ..I wanted to give them one. so I turned my family farm into a safe home. I understand the language that is used is because she is still in the life and it's the lingo but language is important. words do matter. PIMPS are Traffickers and there are no child prostitutes. Children cannot consent... they are victims! Her story like so many others is familiar. In fact, is a lot like mine in the beginning. Except I was in a small town in Maine. My dad was in jail when I was born, and my mother was only 16. She got into "the life" and started to sell me when I was 6 yrs old. She trafficked me until I was 15 until I packed up my backpack grabbed my guitar and ran away. I finished 10th grade while being homeless. I played and sang to earn enough money for a bus ticket and took a bus to California wanting to make it in the music industry. while I was singing and playing on the streets to eat and survive. A man who came to see me play and always requested amazing grace approached me after about a month and asked if I wanted to meet a music producer. I remember thinking I had just gotten my huge break, I was so nervous and excited I couldn't sleep that night, I met him the next day. once in his car we drove for a while, I could tell we were outside of Hollywood and then then it happened . he stuck a needle in my leg. I was then broken in drugged every day and trafficked from 16-to almost 19 until I escaped out a window at a truck stop. Later in life I was able to find out that it was MS-13 and a Serbian man who was trafficking me and many more underage girls. I was able to find this information because of the tattoo and branding they marked my body with. The average age that children become victims of trafficking and enter into the life is 12-14. 60% of child trafficking victims were in the foster care system at one point and 89% of child trafficking victims are survivors of CSA (child ..abuse ) If we want to combat trafficking we must educate ourselves and others on how this happens in the first place. Education leads to prevention. I truly believe that. This young woman entered into the life at 13 she was a child. A trafficker saw a vulnerable child and probably offered to help her, gave her a place to sleep probably fed her bought her some things, and then started to sell her. what she is describing is being trafficked and she was also branded This tactic is done by traffickers to show their victims that they own them and it reminds these victims that they are their property. when she says she has had 6 pimps she has had 6 Traffickers. we need to be looking at the buyers! people that are buying children! This is the only life she has known since she was 13. we all have a story they can be very similar but they are also very different. when working with victims of trafficking it is extremely important to be trauma-informed so as not to revictimize or retraumatize them. I have been speaking and giving presentations on trafficking for about 10 yrs part of that entails me telling my story. I can tell you first hand it's incredibly difficult to tell your story. however, it can also be very empowering and healing. In my state, I worked on 2 bills that finally just got passed by the governor. these new laws will hold the buyers and sellers accountable. LE will see these girls as Victims instead of criminals and get them the resources and help they need. We are the first state to pass these laws and now hoping it will lead to other states also passing them. this is HUGE for victims of trafficking. it also changes the language to call it what it really is!

id: 597196 - Text: My uncle used to tell me, I look like Dolly Parton. Then he asked me if I will have sex with him. Of course I said no. I was 12. My brother asked me for sex too. I even turned him down.

id: 597203 - Text: When I was a young teenager, I remember my cousin had a “girlfriend” who was really just his sex partner, who he had met at her mother’s nail salon while my aunt was getting her nails done. It turned out she was a child prostitute in her own mother’s nail salon/ massage parlor. She was only 15 years old when I met her, but she was a very calloused and mean person. Now I understand why. I have since learned that many of those massage parlor operations are Abortion facilities as well. There are grandmothers aborting their own grandchildren in those places.

id: 597216 - Text: Sex trafficking has to end.
