58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 597224 - Text: Worst part is these pimps are usually cowardly losers who offer no protection or anything, just some scumbag who knows other scumbags that'll pay as little as possible for sex, thats it thats all these scum are. I feel bad for these girls, if they get beat or killed the pimp will do nothing to stop it and stay as far away possible from the situation. They offer nothing but threats and intimination to these girls to stay with them its disgusting.

id: 597237 - Text:  @uijoopoel  Find sex without paying for it loser.

id: 597287 - Text: Hard to feel sorry for someone who can go get a real job, but says its easier to go prostitute. And she is prostituting herself to men who have wives. Spreading diseases. Because you cannot do this and not have all kinds of diseases. She has a choice to change her life and go work a decent job. But she CHOOSES to be a prostitute because she said it is easier money. Totally different than being sex trafficked .

id: 597321 - Text: as a woman i used to watch porn and thought streetworkers, strippers, porn models etc mostly choose that lifestyle cause that is what we ate supposed to believe. yes i knew a few might be trafficked and such but i thought it was a tiny portion. but is almost all of them. either abused women or trafficed or tricked into the buisiness. i deal with trauma since veing a little child and after years of violence in relationships and drugs i started doing my own research. and on that journey came across lots of storys. i stopped porn as it started setting in my brain that no healthy person would want to be degraded daily. also i started noticing the looks on the girls faces in the movies more and a sentabce here and there where it started becoming more clear to me because i was not just focusing on genitals...that you can actually tell at least in my opinion they are NOT enjoying. also demand dictates supply. after noticing those tiny flashes for example a girl moaning vegging for more smiling but a mili second hatred in her eyes looking at the dood. or huge pupils so i knew shes drugged out. or hands between herself and his pelvis wich means stop or to deep etc at least thats how i commnicate during sex and her being ignored or pushed harder.... i really stopped watching then because there is no way to tell, even a cam girl masturbating on her own in her room all alone, if not some boyfriend coerced her into making money for "them" him..... i googled statistics, interviews..... itook a deep sive and started noticing a connection between lots of things wrong in world. i am disgusted with the world. people in power make us normal folks think they fight against evil... ( some do) but mostly to stay rich and in power they are corrupt around the globe. drugtrade wich is allways connected to sextrade and gang violence and even weapon trade is tolerated for money. origanized crime is just that organised and orchastrated from the top. and media makes every generation more jaded and sicker so that the perversion spreads. this way violence and distorted sex become normal, so more abuse happens and the broken souks can be profited off of in one way or another.

id: 597328 - Text: oh and instead of educating and sticking money in programs to start educating on healthy body image, bulliying, sex etc from an early age, money is put into hollywood wich is causing the distorted views as well. piliticians get loads of money for not keeping promises, not enough goes towards prevention of any kind, be it youth centers or drug programs etc. wich only shows no prevention is wanted. why not ban sexwork? weapons? make psychological profiling a must for people in power? convicted pedophiles working as police officers in a german case came to light. wtf?? rant over.

id: 597340 - Text: Sex needs to be regulated to prevent bringing degenerates into the world. My degenerate ass wouldn't have ever been born and the world would be a better place. She talks just like poor people who are completely influenced by music culture. Aka rap music. Thug life baby. It's a facade sold to you by rich record executives.

id: 597343 - Text: She could go to anothet state and work at mc Donalds or something. Its the easy way to get a pimp , do drugs and have Sex for a Living

id: 597357 - Text: I would pay this beautiful young woman NOT to have sex with ANYBODY, at least until she found someone good and special

id: 597385 - Text: grateful for how sensitive you are with these questions! we need humanization of sex workers badly <3

id: 597410 - Text: If this video isn't a perfect example of why sex work needs to be legalized and regulated so the women are able to work safely and freely, I don't know what is.
