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id: 597482 - Text: The interviewer should be mindful of the bias in some of his questioning. He would ask a question like "Are you addicted to the streets?" and before she answers, he adds "Most of the girls I talk to say they are." Or he says "It's a lonely lifestyle, right?" which is a bias question! He also wanted to know how many guys she has sex with per day and she didn't provide a body count, koodos to her. This entire interview dynamic felt felt really off to me, it was a miss despite appreciating the channel and the work you do!

id: 597529 - Text: this is a summary of why i'll never be a feminist who supports prostitution. prostitution itself should not be within the same umbrella term of sex work that includes safer ONLINE sex work such as OF etc. it's insulting and invalidating to millions of victims like her. i hope she finds a community that genuinely wants her to be safe, healthy, stable, happy, and at peace 🧡

id: 597538 - Text: And the left makes this huge load of BS when it comes to BLM and keep dragging on with slivery that nobody today has any ties to, yet, we have slavery in our time - sex slavery, and what does the left do but protests that sex work is work. You might as well just go up to this girl in the video or to a street working and spit in their face with this mindset. I bet you that most prostitution is done by black women and pimped out by black men, if we were to take a real look at it. But we wont look at it, because that would be labeled as racist.

id: 597557 - Text: If sex work was made legal, they would have secure businesses to work inside, customer id/STD/background checks, no pimps, etc. Keeping it illegal only forces them to find their own way and end up in risky situations like this. Just like 'the right' says about guns, "If you outlaw guns, people will just do it illegally." well keeping it illegal or raising the punishment will do what? Put more struggling girls like this behind bars for longer? You think any of them would snitch on their pimps and risk getting killed? Doubt it. I'm not even sure what your comment is addressing other than taking a stab at 'the left' to say prostitutes are slaves, and saying they're mostly black. Okay? So how do we fix that?

id: 597566 - Text: The men who use these damaged women as objects, for sex, should be ashamed

id: 597573 - Text: Sex trafficked, she was sex trafficked.

id: 597579 - Text: What she is describing is sexual slavery, which she has been forced into since childhood. Think about it. Stop glamorizing and normalizing child sex slaves. She is extremely vulnerable. Calling it prostitution or sex work really draws attention away from the fact that this is no one's first choice. These monstrous "men" branded her like property. Pimps are human traffickers, slaveowners. If you have to pay for it, it's not consensual. Paid rape is violence against women at its core. The world's oldest oppression. She and all people (who are overwhelmingly women and girls) in her situation deserve better.

id: 597596 - Text: This channel is a fucking joke.Mark you sit there from the comfort of your privilege questioning people who you clearly think you are above. Next time you come interview someone I recommend you try to spend a day in their life. Anyone who has ever been exploited sexually will tell you there are no nice pimps. Life aint as white and black as it is for you, some of us have to pay a bigger price just to be here. I do fucking hate seeing white men profit from the sad stories of other but hey isnt that what this world is all about. To all you who follow this channel, I encourage you to see beyond the exotization of a person or a culture.

id: 597621 - Text: She's not even hot. I wouldn't even pay for sex, just trade whatever left over food I might have laying around.

id: 597640 - Text: Bizarre for the interviewer to say there are pimps out there who help their prostitutes. This is human trafficking of the worst kind. How can you sell a woman like that and "help" them. Plus asking her if she's addicted to this life? wtf?! What kind of choices does this woman have? It's not an addiction. And to ask "are you lonely? you'd think that you had all of these guys." ??!! Clearly zero understanding of what prostitution is, or what sex means with multiple partners. I wonder if Laita really cares about the people he interviews or if this is just some kind of "project" for him to prove he's some kind of artist.
