31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 627006 - Text: This poor girl. My heart goes out to her! :'( If I was rich, I would try to help most of the people in these videos. SO many of them just need a break - a way out.

id: 627140 - Text: Exotic, everyone in these comments sees you and your worth. I hope you can read these comments and you can see it for yourself. You deserve better. Anyone that says we all have the same chances in life and that the American dream is achievable is a liar. This girl had no other options. She has been used and abused her entire life. I hope she can get out and give her children the life she never had. She seems very intelligent just undereducated and undervalued. I hope someone sees this video and gives this girl a chance at life.

id: 627175 - Text: i love these videos. if possible you should attempt to ask more about the tattoos these people carry on their bodies. every type of design on someone's body doesn't have a meaning. however its always a moment that holds meaning.

id: 627296 - Text: Exotic …Yeah ..”comfortably numb!” Almost everyone gets a raw deal somehow and learns to handle it in their own way..or not. A girl we know recently passed away from anorexia. Great family…didn’t matter..she could never accept who she was. Hated how she looked..period..the end. There is no doubt you really got cheated of a stable, safe childhood..and even being a teenager. But after all that here you are…actually surprisingly strong…not ashamed and…after all that…you actually look younger than 23. Perhaps I’m just trying to say that you didn’t get many things…but somehow you did get some gifts….you received resilience, a presence and a gentle genuine way of expressing your thoughts…. that people seem to really like. This is just my take…but perhaps you should consider taking this YouTube video as a template of your biography. You have actually led a very unique existence…that should be told more completely. This interview really forced you to review your life in broad terms…maybe it’s been a long time since you have done that…maybe you have never done that…most of us actually don’t do that. They say that if you wrote a page a day…( just your thoughts, recollections and experiences)…you would hold a book in your hands in 4-6 months. I believe many would read it..or listen to it as a podcast or an e-book. Send it out to major podcasters with portion of this video as an intro (with Mark’s blessing)…and I think a good deal of them would love to have you on as a guest. Just a thought…but it would be interesting. Even better with a hopeful ending! Good wishes.

id: 627318 - Text: Michael Johnson …I support your first amendment rights…you are clearly free to say whatever it is. Ironically however, you must admit that telling others to stfu somehow loses the whole spirit of a free exchange you value so much. With that though, your points are all non-sequiturs. You replace logic with emotion. Hell, I completely accept that you don’t find this person attractive…because after all that’s what this posting is specifically about…that fact that she looks like a ballerina. So you don’t…I get it. Not your speed. The problem is you view her looks vis a vis her lifestyle and what she’s wearing and her meth pipe and her hooker jumper etc. It’s like barging into a discussion about the legal problems Brittany Spears recently had with her dad….and insisting that she totally looked like slut in her videos when she was 18. Yeah…maybe true…but totally off the topic man. Saying it once is a novelty…but being all over this exchange with 17 freaking posts all saying the same thing like a guy with uncontrolled Tourette’s and a bit too much….1st amendment notwithstanding. Perhaps it’s time for you to go crap on her somewhere else…if you must..and it seems like you must.

id: 627319 - Text:  @zeroceiling  nah bro there’s zero emotion in this…why would there be? Your the one that brought emotion into YOUR side of things when you got offended by a comment in a YouTube video comment section that wasn’t even about you or anyone you’ve ever met. My points are logic based opinions…simple as that. Your defending someone who is probably reading all this and yet still not thanking you or acknowledging your existence at all so again I gotta ask bro what are you really doing here?

id: 627340 - Text: ​ @colleenwelch2330  Did you even watch the video? She explains how she looks, and after watching it, I feel worse for you than I feel for her, if that's all you got from this.

id: 627397 - Text:  @colleenwelch2330  Why watch these videos if you're sitting behind your screen poised in judgment? Are you sick or what?

id: 627466 - Text: This poor young woman.. these videos really shine a light on how cold hearted people are. I pray that she finds happiness and peace.

id: 627471 - Text: Oh myyyyyyy "I dont think all pimps are like the ones you've had- there are some that are truly trying to help girls" Ha ha ha ha!!! What a joke!!!! These people are commodities. What a terrible and cruel thing to say to her. She is being so honest. Yes, and some of her Johns actually love her too.... Wow. I havent heard anything that bad in such a long time. I can hardly breath. I had no idea that this interviewer hated females. I didnt see that coming. I've watched a few of these Soft White Underbelly videos. I thought this was about something so much bigger... The broken look in this childs eyes- knowing such cruelty and the way she shrugs off his lack of decency is really something I dont think I'll ever forget.
