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id: 598737 - Text: One thing could be done to stop alot of what this girl has gone through, that is the death penalty for sex traffickers and pimps. Sex handlers/pimps are the lowest piece of sh*t in Our society 🤨! No one has the right or privilege to use/abuse/sell/or rent another human being, including Our sex-trafficking Imbecile President Biden🤪🖤!! Ultra MAGA2023🙏🇺🇲

id: 598869 - Text: I’m so sad for this girl. I don’t have anything against sex workers, or their customers but I feel like who ever had sex with this child when she was 13 should drop dead.

id: 598896 - Text:  @phanicatthechemicalfallout460  Dude, onlyfans is prostitution, it is sex work, same as what this girl is doing. Only difference is you're doing it in front of a computer screen instead of some dirty backseat of a car.

id: 598911 - Text: Pimps are one of the cruelest things in America and these politicians will not allow sex houses and I think it’s absolutely wrong pimps spread disease. It is truly a cruel form of slavery and abusiveness that has no place in America everywhere else in the world prostitution is legal and they checked him for health, and I believe it is the only way to end some of these diseases, spreading in the cruelty of pimps shame on our politicians

id: 598962 - Text: look how liberating and empowering sex work is!

id: 598979 - Text: It's horrible. I used to live and work in the 'red light' districts of Brisbane Australia and I knew lots of sex-workers and strippers* personally. Out of about 100, i knew, maybe, ONE that seemed emotionally functional and happy and was saving money for a better future... (The rest were all 'damaged' (usually from childhood and usually from being molested)). I also saw many who had a good upbringing but got sucked in by partying/drugs which then spiraled down into more and more prostitution. I also saw a woman who had a child that then followed in her exact footstes (of heroin addiction and prostitution) - So it's not just a problem for them! It ripples outward! - I mention *strippers because a lot of men thing it's harmless but they don't realise that at least 75% of them have the same problems as sex-workers.

id: 598991 - Text: She don't have skin grafts you would see the scaring she is basically naked sad she is lying when these people wanna help her.. drugs are bad yall. either way the foster system is why she is where she is, and drugs didn't help. I know a girl who used to tell other girls she worked withs stories like they were hers and that is 100% what that "I jumped out of a speeding car" story is. someone else's story she can tell for extra sympathy it's the survival instinct for her to lie her A off and come out smelling like a rose. Former sex worker telling facts to yall in a simple comment. I wouldn't trust her trifling A as far as I could throw her if I had to work beside her.

id: 599034 - Text: that`s a pity she thinks having sex without a condom is a risky thing as she has kids, but is still on meth, I wish she could find a way to quit... But it`s a circle and ppl rarely get out of it( Cause her parents were using, and she has such a job and uses drugs, so what kids of future will her kids have.. The same? Become a sex worker, use drugs and have kids at an early age and so on and so forth?(

id: 599047 - Text:  @steptay  first of you should visit the country’s and then talk about it, even the poorest Europe country’s don’t have issues like the USA, drugs, shootings, more people dying in the streets then somewhere else in war, prostitution, poor people living on the streets, bad health system…and even the democracy in the USA is a joke if you look closely. When I talk about Europe I was thinking for the EU country’s in first place, you mention country’s that don’t belong to that…but even there, in both county’s you are mentioning the family plays a big role, Albania has a strong bound between family members, and Ukraine is the same, so they have big families who support each other, who would die for each other, if this girl loose her parents at this age, there is no way she would been dropped by the rest of her family. Sex trafficking hubs exist on both country’s, you are right…the same goes for Turkey Istanbul, but those unlucky girls get there in a different way…some of them were kidnapped from somewhere else, or some fake agency were making poor girls big promises, they they will get a big model carrier and earn big money and then they end up there, so those girls didn’t decide to went into prostitution, like our example here…and maybe you watched to much movies about Ukraine and Albania, maybe you are also thinking that Arabs are terrorist and the good guys are coming from USA to save the world? But the reality is different, the USA had 24,292 death civilians by shooting in one year and some different statistics about this topic are even higher, even if you count all victims in the Ukraine war since beginning the number will be smaller. Then add the people that die in the street because they have no money to survive, then count the people who are dying because of drugs…USA is one of the worst places to live for average people. And to answer you, this girl even in Ukraine and Albania would have bigger chance to live her normal life then in the USA, who have more prisoners in jail because of murdering someone then Albanias population, girl in Albania and Ukraine have a big family bound, there is big crime for sure, but they keep their own family’s save in most of the cases. Go to Albania and say a bad word to some Albanian girl, or disrespect them and their honor, in 10 minutes you will have the biggest issue in your life, but if someone is missing and never came back from their vacations all over the world, there is a chance that they end up there…but that is a different topic and sure also a problem. But if you really compare the EU country’s this case here wouldn’t be even possible, because there are 10 institutions working at the same time, who are protecting kids like that and to stick with this case, she wouldn’t be able to see her kids as well, there would be taken away from the state, to protect them from this environment, so they can have their school and get their help and if she want to quit this kind of life there also multiple institutions who would help here all over the EU to keep her save from any gang members or violent man, supported by the police of course. So yes im serious…there is a higher chance that this girl here from the interview ends up in Albanias or Ukraines sex trafficking, then a Albanian girl who has any family member in Albania would end there - I know people from every country we are talking about, many Albanian families, also many people from Ukraine, on top of that I’ve been in these country’s myself and I have also family in the USA and saw things myself and I live in the EU, then I look up the official stats and facts and then because of all this informations I build my opinion.

id: 599057 - Text: This is terrible, especially when they talked about 'marking'. People actually are so cruel as to mark these girls as their 'property'. What the F how twisted can one be? There will always be a demand for sex work why doesn't the US just legalize and regulate this?
