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id: 628132 - Text:  @krisshaw9464  - the author of the ground breaking video "Eating weed part 1"

id: 628179 - Text: Someone said in the comments on a previous video that our society doesn't value children. I tried to understand that at the time and just couldn't get myself to truly take that comment in and wrap my head around it. How could someone NOT value a child?!? Children are the future of us, our heritage, our love, everything. After watching several more of SWU videos, I kept going back to that comment. While I do think that there are (hopefully) more individuals that do value children, I tend to agree that our society does not value children. The systems involving children need help and too often they aren't getting the right help. I'm not sure what the solutions are to this, but part of it definitely goes back to childhood. Adverse childhood trauma affects us all - a little bit or a lot. And we are going to continue to deal with its affects on our society.

id: 628274 - Text:  @exotic6917  the fuck? You're the girl in the video? Lol did you make an account to comment on this?

id: 628300 - Text: I love watching your videos. I always twinge at the lack of understanding in terminology used. Sex workers or sex work is now used instead of prostitute/ prostitution. Those words cause a negative reaction and come with such connotations. I'm referring to even 15 years ago, missing sex workers being called prostitutes- they went unsolved and no one cared because they were prostitutes. That word alone implies less than, not deserving, inhuman. Using the correct term can help refocus that sex workers are people too and they happen to be in the oldest profession.

id: 628443 - Text: Average Joe …your comments are not without foundation. With that said, indeed, many people do notice that she is unusually pretty…stating that observation is not a crime…yet. In addition to presenting herself calmly, quite gracefully and without any sign of contempt….despite her circumstances naturally endears her to many. On top of that, her thin, almost broken bird like appearance evokes a natural protective spirit in most. Slight contradiction here….but she actually stated clearly that she does not have a pimp and is able to save money…which, given her meth use is possibly questionable. Her tattoo was involuntary branding by a pimp when she first went on to the street…and the rose petal images on that area are intended to cover up this mans largely written name. As far as the rest of her challenges go…I can’t help but agree with you. With that said, however, given that she’s been on the street for 10 years ..,she looks amazingly resilient both in terms of her well preserved features / teeth etc….as well as her mind…which has remained amazingly intact given the abuse. This is why people see hope or want to see hope. It’s like the half exhausted baby deer in the middle of a lake…running out of gas but somehow it’s still trying. We can’t help but cheer for that. It makes us human…and at times irrational or ill-informed as to how she might be helped. We just want to see it. In fact, a person with money and a big heart could try…set her up far from the death row part of a condo…get her professional help..get her off meth…and if she passes that…get her to complete her equivalency while paying for her expenses as she takes steps towards a new life. It’s a long shot…but not impossible…and that’s why this video is unsettling to so many…who want to see the struggling half drowned baby dear make it to the shore.

id: 628456 - Text: Being a father to a girl.... these videos really break my heart.

id: 628498 - Text: Watching these videos make me realize how grateful I am for being single. I require loyalty because I am loyal. I'm sure the wives and girlfriends of these tricks have no idea.

id: 628515 - Text: Exactly. Sex work is only truly dangerous when you're in the streets. She needs a middle ground to work. Or become a video cam girl. Geeze.

id: 628629 - Text:  @EllEss331  Need some real proof? Watch some videos about Silvio Gesell Jesus Christ. Like a thief in the night, just as foretold 2000 years ago. (Revelation 3:3,12). Irrefutable proof, period.

id: 628658 - Text:  @Khadijah_time  It’s all just empty bullsht words from another anonymous stranger on the internet. They all act like they’re friends with these interviewees and rooting for them but I guarantee you 99% of them wouldn’t even be seen on the same block as them. Everyone feels the need to be so over tolerant that they’re willing to pretend to be friends with the poor souls in these videos. I feel for them because I’ve been in some horrible situations in my life as well but I’m also true to myself and know the people talking all that crap wouldn’t even speak to this girl on the street. Or anywhere else for that matter.
