31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 628661 - Text:  @denniswade3429  yup, because videos are always 100% factual, especially the ones about subjects impossible to observe. Also, the earth is for real flat. Check out the videos

id: 628780 - Text: I watch a lot of SWU videos and I see a lot of comments "your pretty, you don't deserve this. How about they don't deserve the life because they are Human regardless of how they look. Irritates my whole soul.

id: 628781 - Text: Thanks for these videos. After being sober for 6 years I relapsed. Now, I’ve been 2 years sober. The lifestyle definitely kept me using for a long time. I’m glad to be where I am today.

id: 628810 - Text: I honestly don’t think she does feel like she deserves more than this and she totally does. She seems to have made it passed some extremely traumatic events in her life and I hope that she makes it out safely. She’s probably really have to relocate being soooo deep in the game. It takes stages to make huge life changes and I hope 1 day she realizes her worth. You are gorgeous inside and out and I’ll pray for you to see the light you have that anyone watching this video sees.

id: 628813 - Text: I used to watch these videos with keen interest and empathy. Now I just feel sad :( (I've never lost the empathy though).

id: 628846 - Text: @Gadzooks When you watch enough of these types of videos, you realise they all follow a similar pattern. I think it's great that SWU gives these individuals a platform to tell their story. I just find these stories difficult to watch at the moment. As a man, it's especially difficult to see woman go through these lives. All I want to do is help :(

id: 628940 - Text: This channel documents some beautiful people who've led very difficult lives- in doing so, creating informative content for many worldwide to observe perspectives from walks of life they might never have been aware of before. Thank you for bringing these people onto your platform to share their lives. I don't know if this has been answered by the channel before now, but what entices them to participate in these interviews? I had seen an earlier video on this channel about a recovering addict being endorsed/sponsored by an anonymous donor/foundation that saw the video also and wanted to support the man. Hopefully this happens frequently enough and the majority of these people are changed positively by being involved with your show, as I'm sure the viewers are, by watching it and learning

id: 628991 - Text: real talk Well I didnt click the video in order to hear his opinion did I?

id: 629021 - Text: @Lila Worley ………precisely…..and many of these grandparents subconsciously turn their addicted child into the elder who abused them …….and play out a rescue fantasy where the grandchild is the victim that they once were. Masterfully they then become the savior/martyr in a misguided attempt to heal themselves. And most buy into “ poor grandparent “ raising their grand kids. It is tragic, as I have watched many stories on this channel and the foster system is also heartbreakingly corrupt. Lila thank you for posting the same paragraph explaining this on every video Mark releases. Truth.💜

id: 629194 - Text: i've seen alice in other youtube videos, she's so sweet and open.
