31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 630033 - Text: I’m all for female sexual empowerment, however what bothers me about this video is how out of touch this video is regarding realities of sexwork. It reeks of white privilege, how these white western women discuss this complex profession is mind boggling. In the Netherlands it’s also legalized, however recent studies have shown that still about 65% of sexworkers are victims of human trafficking despite it being legal. Sexwork and prostitution always had an exploitative element to it. If women had more economic opportunities, they would go for other professional options. When woman loves sex, there are numerous other options than sexwork, believe me!

id: 630054 - Text: They literally explain the difference between legal sex work and sex trafficking in the video!!! They explain the difference between being forced and free choice. Please watch the video before trying to ban anyone's job, just because you don't understand it...

id: 630063 - Text: Nothing. It was copyright branded and they legally can't show it because they don't have the rights to it. Its why they have to produce their own music and can't use existing songs in their videos. They just dont wanna get sued.

id: 630076 - Text: I greatly believe this was a needed video, with all that is going on in the world when it comes to Human to Child Trafficking, we must require safety & complete protection on ones Choosing to be in such fields vs ones whom are being victimized through it. Modern slavery definitely highly exists & we must all be on the side of precaution. Though understandably, this is a legal field. I appreciate the women's shared information; really helped clear their stance & light upon the topics.

id: 630082 - Text: I thought this was a good video, but I still have so many questions that I feel like they should have discussed I wanted answers too. I fully understand sex workers get stigmatized. I come from the BDSM community and it's the same thing. People think sex working is synonymous with sex trafficking and BDSM is synonymous with abuse, and it's not. But you know BDSM is a bit more main stream and so it's easier to find people to have those conversations with and find out the experiences of those people. I don't even know where I would go to ask questions about these people to try and understand where they are coming from. I do know alot of girls turn to working the streets out of desperation and that's not healthy or safe for them, but these women seem to truly love and enjoy their work.

id: 630107 - Text: yo this was actually a good video cause before this i had absolutely NO idea what a sex worker did

id: 630110 - Text: yall could have asked her to change shirt instead of having a whole video blurred out

id: 630162 - Text: I have always wanted to work with these women. Thank you for explaining how this profession isn’t degrading to those that chose this life. ❤️ Respect goes both ways. People have so many misconceptions and I am thankful for this video.

id: 630164 - Text: Best part I heard in this video people seeking intimacy which healthy

id: 630168 - Text: Is sex worker the only job women have according to BuzzFeed? Every video about women working is about this... I'm as sex positive as they come buy c'mon.
