58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 601804 - Text: Online sex work like OF helps more sex workers get better conditions. And sex workers having workers rights and methods of reporting abuse is also better.

id: 601806 - Text: Though both would benefit immeasurably under legalised prostitution. The one would never have been subject to street pimps, and they could both legally save their money - in banks - and get out when they wished to. They would have safer, cleaner work lives, and the protection of law enforcement rather than the persecution. In Australia, after prostitution was legalised, health tests were mandated, the divorce rate dropped - perhaps due to screening and testing - and it is illegal to be financially dependent on the earnings of a working girl - boyfriends included. Working girls can safely work independently in whatever manner suits their needs (within a legal framework which precludes certain forms of working - like near schools etc.) There is zero promotion of sex work generally - except what appears in western media. Plus, without criminal records, workers are able to pursue other lives afterwards. Its safer, healthier, less of a legal system burden, offers opportunities where none would otherwise exist, and its better for workers And their clients. And it means girls aren't just directed to full prostitution. There's lingerie girls, table dancers, party strippers, massage girls and escorts. Oh, and porn stars - if you live in the Capital, the only place thats legal. Just sayin'.

id: 601808 - Text: Yes and no. CONTENT CREATION is not SEX WORK. I began actual sex work at age 12-13. I'm in my early 40s and have been working as an escort full time for 10 years now. I do enjoy my work, but a great deal of sex work is what I call " disassociation as a means of survival". It isn't for most people(men are sex workers too!)

id: 601809 - Text: Wrong! The more sex work is made legal, the higher demand is created, the more women and children are trafficked in to prostitution to meet the demand. Johns and pimps, especially those who seek out children like this woman at THIRTEEN, need serious prison.

id: 601918 - Text: Amazing the difference between this poor victim and the escorts that work for an agency in Canada, where being a prostitute is legal. There is still a problem with human slavery in the sex trade in Canada, but not to the same extent as it is in Canada. The answer is not more criminalization, but to try to have the social supports that make it so that women do not choose sex work b/c there are no other alternatives

id: 601935 - Text: Money make sexy 😆

id: 601936 - Text: Money make sexy 😆

id: 601937 - Text: There is no difference, sex workers say that working on streets is less dangerous than being an escort.

id: 601992 - Text: This “Stripper and Bad B****” propaganda is what these laissez-faire politicians allow. Celebrate good respectable women, not this BS. Rappers and Instagram push this mentality. This is real Sex Work. Not Only Fans. Do the math. 50 dudes a day. 18,250 dudes use her per year. All for $2000 per day.

id: 601998 - Text: such a nonsense biased interview. way to use her to condemn sex work.
