31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 630357 - Text:  Haley D  do YOU get f*cked 5x a day buy random strangers, who do whatever they want to your body? You don't know what you're talking about. Women are NOT in control, and they are not the ones making the real money. The men are. And the women are NOT protected against infection. The men are. The women are treated like livestock, because that is exactly what they are in status. This whole video is just a promo piece that men put together in order to increase profitability.

id: 630397 - Text:  Levi Ackerman  "It may not be the same for everyone, but I am trying to make a point." And your point seems to be that it is the same for everyone, in which case your point is probably factually wrong. "...and they are the vast majority." How do you know that? Do you have statistics or studies you can point to? Even if it's true, you still seemed to assume the women in this video are like the majority and lying about it, even you've provided neither evidence of them lying nor any explanation of why they would lie. "And it's also factually proven that this kind of activity causes massive health problems, physical and mental." Again, sources would be appreciated, as would any reason to assume they're lying instead of just a unique case or people who haven't experienced these health problems yet. "I for one support women, and do not want them in a profession where there life is wasted." Okay, but if these particular women are among the few don't feel their lives are being wasted in this profession, is insisting that they're wasting their lives regardless of what they think really supporting them? That sounds to me more like condescension than support. "In addition I don't understand why people glorify something so horrible" I don't see anyone glorifying it. All I said was that you have no evidence for your assertion that these particular women find it horrible. "... but then they condemn police officers and soldiers." I don't see anyone condemning all police officers and soldiers, either. The only police and soldiers I see being condemned are the ones who abuse their authority and kill innocent people, and even those ones still have plenty of defenders.

id: 630398 - Text:  Bigg Puph  A lot of the women I know, who are legal sex workers, would disagree with you. Hearing a lot of these women, they do have a connection to the majority of their clients....of which, they will see on a regular basis. The ladies establish boundaries that if crossed, the session ends and the client is asked to leave. So no, just because a women is getting paid for her time, does't mean the guy can do whatever he wants. A lot of sex workers also screen potential clients through information requests and reference checks from other sex workers. The screening will weed out a lot of time wasters, who simply don't even book. The ladies I know legitimately do enjoy what they do. You only think they're lying, because you've simply made up your mind. Have you actually sat down with a legal sex worker? I dare you to actually talk to one, or a few. I think you'll find your warped outlook does not reflect reality for a lot of women, like the ladies in this video. Also....these women aren't affecting your personal life.....why should you affect theirs?

id: 630430 - Text: Just for the record, they do have a video about the damage that can be done in the sex industry- I think it's a video called "how my childhood lead to me stripping" and it talks about being abused by a pimp, forced into the industry, and how she had to scrape her life together after a bad decision due to a bad parent and needing to find money for her sibling.

id: 630445 - Text: Did you even watch this video...?

id: 630447 - Text: She says in the video it's only legal in Nevada... 🙄

id: 630508 - Text: Porn is legal prostitution only on video 📹

id: 630560 - Text: Did you watch this video at all?

id: 630611 - Text: It's on a copyright brand they legally can't display. Same reason they make all their own music for their videos; they dont own the rights to anything produced outside their company. I doubt they care about it being inappropriate (if it even is. honestly it looks like it might be a doctor who thing but i really dont know) They just don't wanna get sued

id: 630629 - Text: They literally say in this video where the only place it's legal in the US is. Did you not watch this video before commenting? 🤔
